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We reached Olivia's and were confused to not see her standing outside the house.

"Dude is she still not ready?", Adam said.

"I'll call her",I said.

She picked the call at the second ring.

"Olivia, where are you, we are....", I heard her cry, "hey are you crying?"


"Why is she crying?", Ryan asked.

"He broke up with me, Lucy", she said.

"Olivia, hey, but you were expecting that isn't it? wit I'll come inside." I said.

I disconnected the call.

"What happened?", Adam asked.

"he broke up with her", I told them.

"That was bound to happen", Adam said.

"I'll stay with her, sorry guys", I said.

"Should we come with you?", Ryan asked.

"I think I'll be able to handle her", I said and closed the door of his car.

"Keep us updated", Adam said.

"Sure will", with this I made my way to the front door and heard the sound of the engine as they left.

I stayed with Olivia the whole day, she talked and cried and explained how much she loved Carter and never meant this to happen, and at the end of it, she wasn't crying at least.

Coming home, I prepared for the next day, as it was 7 already. After dinner I stepped outside the house to meet Adam and Ryan who were waiting for me outside the house.

"We brought you a dress", Ryan said and handed me a box.

"You shouldn't have had", I said.

"Shut up kiddo", Ryan said.

"We thought we could shop for you and Olivia for tomorrow", Adam said.

"How did you know that we planned on shopping?", I asked him.

"Duh, that is easy, you both are girls", Ryan said.

"Sexist much?", Adam said.

"Oh how I love ", I said to Adam and hugged him for that.

"Hey, It was my idea", Ryan said.

Adam cleared his throat looking at Ryan to say something.

"Fine, it was his idea, but I selected the outfits", he said.

"Come on let's go", Adam said, ignoring Ryan.

"And you won't even let her thank me, wow Adam", Ryan said.

"Stop it Ryan, what are you 5?", I said and he chuckled.

"Where to?", I stepped in the car asking them.

"Olivia's, we thought we could give it to her together", Ryan said, this time in a serious tone.

Mrs. Brosnan open the door for us an told us Olivia was in her room, we knocked on her door twice and she opened the door on the third. We were skeptical of the way she would react on seeing us but we wanted to give it a shot.

"Surprise", the three of us said in unison as the door open to reveal Olivia's swollen eyes, indicating the amount of tears she had shed.

She was better than before and the smile on her face, after seeing the three of us with the dress of course, was priceless.

She had made a mistake but we couldn't just let her be on her own. We gave her the dress and said we would pick her up tomorrow for the event. She refused at first but seeing us persistent changed her mind.

Adam and Ryan next got in the car with me , we stopped at Walmart next and the two of them came with a tub of ice cream next.

"Ice cream, seriously? You are gonna treat Carter with ice cream and expect him to be happy after a break-up", I asked.

" Ice cream does wonders, beside a game of FIFA and ice cream is all a guy needs after a breakup.

"Alrighty, as you say, but if it doesn't turn out the way we planned, remember it wasn't my plan." I said and they chuckled.

It was 1 in the morning when we left Carter's to go home next. He was doing fine now, as he stated and we were more then convinced when he defeated the three of us in the game.

The guys dropped me home and we decided to meet at the venue of the event that is being school 2 hours before the event was to start. They said they will give a look in the morning as well and let me know if I was needed. I was happy with the extra hours of sleep that I would get as soon as I would hit my bed.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?", I said in a sleepy voice.

"Lue, Adam is having those nightmares again, I'm and Mr. Dankforth are not able to do anything, what should we do, should we wake him up?", he sounded so desperate.

"No, don't wake him up, I'll be there", I said and picked up the keys from the bedside and ran down the stairs with my phone, in my night shorts and tank top. The drive was 7 minutes long to be exact, but it felt like hours, and the road which seemed picturesque in broad daylight with trees on both the side, seemed creepy to me now, and why wouldn't it seem creepy, for God's sake it was 4 in the morning.

 The drive was 7 minutes long to be exact, but it felt like hours, and the road which seemed picturesque in broad daylight with trees on both the side, seemed creepy to me now, and why wouldn't it seem creepy, for God's sake it was 4 in the morning

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I reached in time to find Adam panting heavily like someone does after running a marathon, and his face covered in sweat. Mr. Dankforth and Ryan were standing beside him helpless. I rushed across the room and sat on his bed, calming the lines formed on his fore head. I had done this twice, but today no matter what I did, he wasn't getting back to normal.

After a span of a few extra minutes, which felt like the hours, Adam was back to normal. I placed a finger on my lip and signal Ryan and Mr. Dankforth to move out of the room quietly, who were looking at like a child looks at a magician.

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