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"I told you no one lives here, she was probably a no one", he said.

I couldn't reply to that. He was right. Maybe she was just a somebody trying to fool us. Maybe I'm being paranoid. I was probably thinking too much. I drove home on a bad note. Technically I should have been happy that all of what I was thinking was a faux, but in reality it didn't seem right. Maybe I watch too much thriller, maybe I'm right.I worked on the selection of the volunteer's, and went to sleep at night, completing the day's/week's task.

Monday mornings are the worst. Getting up late to the sound of snoozed off alarm is the worst. But you know what's even worse, having to skip breakfast because of being late.I was empty stomach, cracky and angry as Ryan was late as well, and we had to present the documentation to the Head today. Adam and I waited for him to arrive while I re-checked the documentation. Everything was fine after checking foe the 4th time is what I thought.

"I'm here", said Ryan from a distance coming towards us.

"How could you be late?", I ask him angrily.

"The way you got late", said Adam.

"I still missed breakfast, and look at him, he probably tasted a girls chap-stick as well, that is no excuse to be late", I said.

"Is it still visible", Ryan said rubbing his lips off.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed", Adam said.

"Actually someone is hungry", I said.

"Don't worry we will grab something to eat after the meeting", Ryan said.And we moved inside the office.

The meeting was good, we submitted the documentation and were told that they expect highly from us, we gave them our best smiles and thanked them, when internally we were doubtful as nothing was actually ready and the event was in 6 days. The countdown begins.

We had the pass to miss classes till mid-day for the preparation of the event, so we moved towards the cafeteria and grabbed a few burgers and chocolate bars.We moved to the field where the worked had to be assigned to the volunteers. I assigned the work and Adam, and Ryan went off to put the notice about the counter meeting which was tomorrow, on the notice boards.They came after 10 minutes, and we moved to the faculty room to engage teachers in the event duties.

We met Olivia and Carter in the lunch break, outside the canteen.The two of them seemed flushed, and it didn't took me more than 5 minutes to understand what had happened. I grabbed Olivia and asked the guys to excuse us as we entered the lady's room. 

"You told him?", I asked her.

"Yes I did", she said.

"And ?"

"He didn't say anything, she isn't talking to me since then, he was angry, and is giving me the silent treatment", she said.

"He has the right to do so, you cheated on him Olivia", I said to her.

"Lucy, seriously now I don't need you to tell me that, beside why are you always so interested in Carter", she said angrily and left, slamming the door behind her.

I came back to the table in the canteen where we usually would sit, only to see 3 people sitting there, Ryan, Adam and Olivia.

"Where is Carter?", I asked them.The three of them looked at me confused.

"He said he'll be back", Ryan said.

"Really?", I asked confused.The four of us ate our lunch and moved towards our classes after that.

I went home and planned out the remaining things for the event, shared it with Ryan and Adam. I didn't want to talk to Olivia after what she said today? Why would I be obsessed with Carter, if she thinks of it that why, and why did she say that. I had absolutely no clue to that.

Tuesday went relatively fine when neither of us had a fight, which technically meant, Olivia and I didn't talk, Ryan did every thing on time, and Adam? I don't fight with him, no one does, he is the perfect man,uummm  boy, whatever that is, and Carter was no where to be found.

In lunch Ryan wanted to talk to me alone, so leaving Adam and Olivia at the table, we went to a corner.

"I'm worried about Adam," Ryan said.

"Why?", I asked him confused what could be wrong with Mr. Perfect.

"He gets nightmares", he said.

"huh? How do you know?"

"Well he stayed over at my place yesterday and he gasped for air, in the middle of the night, panting and sweating", he said.

Adam and Olivia approached us as before I could say anything. Olivia still not talking to me. We moved towards our classes and the rest of the day was spend in maths and history.

I got a text from Ryan in the evening,

Ryan-"You'll be crashing at my place, permission granted, I'll be there in 10'

Me-'Dude why did you call my parents?'

Ryan-'I texted them'

Me-'Send Screenshot'

And he did send the screenshot. Okay wow, This guy had some skills.

He honk the car, and I wished my parents a goodnight and stepped inside his car.

"Olivia is gonna be there", Ryan said and I turned to get off the car but before I could do that he locked the car and stepped on the accelerator.

"I don't wanna talk to her", I said.

"She needs you, she was in a foul mood that day, come on Lue, you aren't the ' I am mad at you' kind.

He was right, I'm not, and she needs me. Break up is never easy and maybe she was messed up that day to say something like that.

"Are we good? ", he asked and I nodded, sighing lightly as no one knows what might happen tonight. 

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