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Katana and I haven't spoken since she broke up with Sam. No one knew what had happened and you didn't care to know. All we knew was that they had boycotted all the 2nd Sunday family picnics and had stopped hanging around with us. After they passed school both of them went their separate ways and none of us saw them chilling out with us anymore.
I sure had a good bond with Sam, he was my brother after all, but he never told me why they had broken up.

As she called for me and asked me to come out, I went out and she lead the way to the cafeteria.
She ordered coffee for us and we sat on a table seated opposite to each other.
She smiled at me and thanked me rather the group for being with her family when she wasn't around. I told her that she didn't had to say anything as they were my family as well.
"Here you go", she said placing the coffee in front of me, and taking a dip from her own.
"So you wanted to talk about...."
"Yah actually it's about Carter, he isn't quite opening up on what was he doing on the roof, and I got to know from Ryan that a few weeks back he had stabbed himself on his chest in the boys locker room in school", she said and took another sip from her latte.
"I tried asking him, but he says he doesn't remember", I told her honestly.
"I know that, see the thing is that, I asked Olivia about how things were going and she told me how she had some insane nightmares of a woman she saw in the cave", she said.
I gulped the sip of coffee down my throat listening to that.
"Was Carter with her?", she asked.
"Why'd you ask", I asked her.
"Answer me with an answer, not a question Lucy", she stated.
"He was", I said.
"I guessed that, now listen to me carefully, what ever it is, I don't know but that place is absurd, and whatever is happening to him might be because of that place", she said.
"What do you mean?", I asked her.
"You don't really know why your brother and I broke up, do you?", she asked me.
"Not a clue", I said.
"Well whatever it was, it started because of that place is what I suspected, and what's happening with Carter just confirmed it", she said.
"What do you mean Katana, can you please come straight to the point?", I asked her.
"Well you are a smart girl Lucy, the only one in the group of 5 I guess, you'll figure it out", she said and got off the table and went in the direction of the corridor we came from a few minutes ago.

Adam and I we in my car as we thought it would be better if Ryan dropped Olivia home.
I started the engine and drove in the duration of his house.
"Let's talk about ......", Adam said but I interrupted him as I knew where was he going with this.
"Not in a mood to talk about the suspicious lady right now", I said.
"I was going to ask about Katana", he said.
"She was just concerned about his brother", I told him, trying to hide the whole cave thing as he would know I will try to go there which I definitely was planning to.
"Nothing else?", he asked.
"Nah", I said as we entered the gates to his house and I stopped the car in front of the main gate.
"Off you go little Mr. Tough Thing", I said.
"Your sarcasm sucks today", he says and I agreed. 'Mr. Tough Thing ' what the hell does that even mean.
Adam looked at me and placed a hand on my left check just above my neck making me look into his deep hazel eyes.
"I'm always here, and no matter what I'll protect", he said.
"Please I don't ....."
"Need me to save you", he mimicked me.
I looked at him surprised.
"But I will, because I can't don't know what I'll do without you", he said and slowly leaned in looking at my eyes and his glaze shifting to my lips.
I leaned in as well only to be interrupted by a horn.
And that was Mr. Grant.
His car right behind mine.

The two off us sat back in our seats for a moment.
Sighing Adam got off the car breaking out from the moment and I stepped outside the car to met his dad.

Thankfully he hadn't noticed a thing and we greeted him as we got near him, coming from opposite sides of the car.
He hugged me like his own child and asked me to drive safe as I went inside the car telling him how I had to go to bed early when he asked me to stay for dinner.
I waved at them and drove off.
All the way back I had forgotten what Olivia said or as a matter of fact what Katana had told me, all I could think of was the kiss which we didn't have.
I felt the need to feel his lips against mine in that moment and nothing else mattered, nor even the fact that my best friend was upset.
I came home to find Ryan's car parked outside my house, he was waiting for me leaving on the side of his car. It was dark and I couldn't figure out anything else.
I went near him after parking my car as he looked in my direction, and then I remember the kiss that we had two days back. None of us had spoken about it due to the things that had happened. Was he here to talk about it?

"What are you....", I said but was interrupted by his hand pointing inside the car.
I bend down to look inside the glass window to see Olivia sitting in the car.
"Go sit inside, she wants to talk", he said
"You can sit as well", I told him.
"She will kick me out, she wants a 'girl to girl talk' " , he said.
"Did she kick you out a few minutes back", I asked pitying him.
"Oh she did", he said rubbing his butt.
And I giggled while he chucked.
I went to the drivers seat and closed the door after sitting inside.

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