Dr. Jon Walker

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I'll keep singing this lie if you'll keep believing it
I'll keep singing this lie
I'll keep singing this lie


Brendon groaned as he opened his eyes. His head ached more than usual, probably caused by the blinding light coming through the window. He should really learn to close his blinds before falling asleep.

"You're up." He shot up in his bed, instantly regretting it as an ache pulsed through his body.

"Shit," he moaned.

"Try not to move so fast. A nurse will come in with some water and aspirin soon." He looked over to see a doctor come to his side to adjust his bed so he could sit up comfortably. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, slightly bothered by the plastic bracelet on his wrist. He took notice of the thin gown he had on. Reality settled in as he looked up at the doctor.

"Where am I?"

"You're at Summerlin's Medical Center. I'm Dr. Walker." Brendon looked down at his lap, a nervous lump sitting on his chest. "Can you tell me what you remember from last night?" A nurse came in with a small paper cup with two white pills and a plastic cup of water. Brendon gratefully took the pills, swallowing them down with the water.

"I uh, I was at the club and there was this asshole." Brendon sighed and squeezed his eyes shut to concentrate. "He bought me a drink and got mad when I wouldn't drink it. When I finally did, I started feeling weird. He kept trying to make me leave with him then this other guy, Ryan, was there," Brendon recalled.

"That's good. Do you remember how you got here?"  Brendon shook his head.

"Last thing I remember was being with Ryan at the bar. After that, it's fuzzy." Dr. Walker wrote a few things down on his chart. Brendon chewed on his bottom lip. "Do you.. do you know if he came?" He felt stupid for asking. Why would some stranger he met at a bar stick around if he was taken to the hospital? It was embarrassing to even think about it. He didn't even get a chance to thank the guy.


"Um, Ryan," Brendon bit his lip. That's all he really knew about the man. It wasn't like they had much time to talk.

"Ryan? Yeah, he was the one who brought you in, but he went home after you were admitted." Brendon nodded, disappointed with the answer. "I believe he's here for his shift now." Brendon's eyes widened in surprise. "And speak of the devil," Dr. Walker said with a smile.

Brendon looked over and saw Ryan come into the room. He looked like a different person in her dark scrubs and doctor coat. Brendon couldn't stop himself from staring. This was some kind of joke, right? He wasn't rescued by an actual doctor.

"Good morning, Dr. Ross. What do you want?" Ryan rolled his eyes at the other's sarcastic tone.

"How's he doing?" Jon smacked Ryan's hand when he reached for Brendon's file. "Ow! What was that for?"

"He's my patient. You don't get to see his chart." Ryan huffed and turned to Brendon.

"How are you feeling?" Brendon was still reeling in from his shock. Ryan chuckled, waiting for Brendon's answer. Jon nudged Ryan, getting an amused chuckle in response.

"Leave him alone. Go bother your own patients."

"I've done my rounds and I'm here as a friend who's curious about his condition." Brendon tensed. Does he know? Does Dr. Walker know about his condition? No, it was just how they talked. Right? He couldn't handle another doctor judging him for his decision. Brendon tried not to show how uneasy he suddenly was.

"He's fine. His blood work should be back from the lab. I'm sure you were right so the drug should be out of his system by now and he'll be able to get discharged." 

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