how are you?

415 19 2

Dome's POV

My friends knows i will go to him, and i brought dinner.

And his friends also knows.

Leam confirmed it he is on his apartment and alone, and have not eaten yet.

I parked my car putside and went on his door.

I knocked.

Once. Not an answer.
Twice. Also no answer.

On the third and loudest.

"I am coming" he said and the door is opened.

I pushed ot and let myself in.

The lights are dom and opened it.

"Fuck" i mouthed when i saw his face.

I placed the food on the table and rushed to him.

"Let me see" i said but resist.

"Babe, let me see." I said.

He looked at me.

"When?" I asked and he didi not answer.

Base on tbe wounds.

"Whom did you gighg early in the morning?" I asked in high tone.

He smirked.

"My doctor knows how old is the wound, i am impressed." He said.

"What nedicine have you used?" I asked.
He shook his head.

I frawned at him.

He smiled.

I checked hks medicine cabinet and he have some supplies. I grabbed antiseptocs and wound ointments.

I cleaned his wound and placed oint ment on it.

It does not need to be covered.

"Good thing being high protein foods, beef.

"My doctor, how was your eaxams!" He asked.

"Not bad." I said.

He nooded.

"Did my doctor miss ne?" He asked.

I looked at him. He moved closer to me and i know it but i did not move away. He caged me in his arms.

"You get thinner." He commented.

I koved but he pulled me closer.

"Did you miss me sweetheart?" He askrd.

"Don't lie to me this time " he said.

I nooded.

He hugged me tight.

I hugged him back. I wanna cry i miss him so much.

But i stppped myself.

"You bring food?" He asked.

"Yup." I said and let go of him he also does.

We prepared our tabke and we sit facing each other. Just like the old days.

"How are you" i asked.

He smiled at me.

I am good, and having fun and studies well not that bad. Hut Math" he siad.

We laughed.
He is a math genious really he just get bored at it sometimes.

Now yeah his course really fits him.

"I am happy you picked your own choice of course" i said.

He looked at me.

I lowered my gaze i donot want to meet his eyes again. I can't.

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