my doctor.

320 16 5

Pavel's POV

I am not gonna let him go this time.

I jiss him so much and being alone with him is opportuniy yo have this moments. Just hugs and kisses please. Or we can go fully.

"I will call Mae." Rjngs onmy ear.

I smirked.

"Call Mae, and both of will go home," k said in deep voices and giving him blows of air,

I can gpfeel his body.

I have known his body how he reacts withe me.
No matter how he deny's and protest his body tells me to go on.

"Babe,, listen please.., " he siad controling himself from falling kn my trap.

"Mm." I said and kiss his nape.

"Pavel, i.. " imiiss his lips.

"I will do what you want. If we go to the doctor first" he siad.

He never bacj down on his promises.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Yes" he said and kiss his lips hungrily.

I know we really needed a docyor. I trust him he knows what he is doing bug ofcourse i also understand his concern.

I loosen my grip on him and  he grabbed his keys and wallet and phone.

"Are we going now?" I asked.

"Yes beabe, as soon as possible." I said.

K followed him on his car and we weny to a vlinic.

We stopped at Happy Three Doctor's Emergency
(A/N: can anybody guest who are the three doctors that owns the Clinic?)

Dome said one of the owner of the clinic is Dr. Phana also their professor but on duy today ks Dr. B. Jathuraphoom

He is friendly.

"So Dome you did this?" Pointing at my stitches.

Dome nooded.

"This clinic will be a hospital when you graduate, ti have some more experience we will be glad if yiu will work here as intern." He said.

"My sweetheat is good no doc?" I asked.

"Ohow, sweetheart," he yeased Dome.

I did not look at Dome.

"Okay, Dome, continue what yoj are doing but this is meds for his blood and make sure to eat healthy. Do not force yourself so hard. And Pavel, no other bed acticities aside foem sleeping. You havento rest for atleast three days if uoj onpbey the prescriptions." He said.

Dome blushes.

"Doc, i said he is my best friend." Dome said.

Doc B. laughed.

"Okay, you said it." He said.

"You need this to make bed rest for atleast twi fays. Dosage 3 seconds per deop."  He said.
He gave Dome two packs of dextrose then everthing he needed.

Dome just paid for the meds and the rest are free.

Then we went back home.

He sey up the dextrose stand beside my bed and he put it on me.

"Good job" he said and kissed me lovingly.

"I am going to remove this" i said.

"Then stay in the hospital" he said.

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