Chapter Six: The Fuming Stranger

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It was only when we made it outside the cavern that we paused for the briefest moment. And though it was brief, it was long enough for me to note that we were no longer in Curio.

It's not that I doubted Ewan when he talked about the Veil being the borderland between his world and mine, but that I couldn't believe how incredibly captivating his world was to me.

Although we exited back into a forest, there was a hum of energy in the air the moment I stepped onto the dirt. Crickets chirped, stars blazed proudly in the night sky—almost as if it was greeting us with its twinkle. The air was clean, the trees a vibrant bark brown and leafy green—despite the lack of sunlight—and the moon was full, offering its beams as our lantern.

I could have stood there all night, but the sound of Ewan's panting reminded me of why I was here.

I turned towards him. Ewan was bent over, hands on knees in a very animated breathing position. He took a deep breath and straightened his body. I saw his white scales gleam in an enchanting way in the moonlight but did not see a shimmer over his body. For just a moment, I could see how his form could be considered beautiful.

"Your glamour," I began. "It's gone."

His mouth scrunched up for a moment, but then relaxed. "Yeah." He nodded. "I don't really need it here."

As much as I wanted to discuss that further, I had to push it aside. I was getting dangerously distracted, but just the thought of those grains of sand turning Aryan into stone was enough to squelch any curious thoughts that entered my mind.

"Where's the fortress?"

Ewan pointed towards the left. In between the trees, in the near-distance, I could just make out the red stone of my visions. "But Ssssmara, Sssssoren h-hass a lot of guardsss. How do you plan to get in and out without getting caught?"

I smiled at my guide. "I'll take care of it. Just lead the way."


I was surprised at the speed with which Ewan maneuvered around the forest. Before I knew it, we had reached the edge of the woods. Ahead of us was nothing but hard sand and red rock. I took a step towards the fortress that wasn't much farther ahead. But I didn't get far when I noticed that Ewan was not by my side.

I turned back around and saw the serpent Janus cowering behind a thin tree.

"Ewan, your job is not yet done." I placed a gentle touch on his shoulder. He shuddered and held the arm I touched with his free hand. "Have courage." I smiled just as he looked at me. "Everything is going to be fine. I promise you."

He released his arm, standing a little taller. Ewan nodded, just the slightest bit of confidence sneaking its way into his eyes. "Thisss way."

He half crouched along the intimidating wall of the fortress. I glided my hand along the stone, surprised to find it so smooth despite the random pockets of holes that were scattered throughout. When I stared up, I noticed the rooves of the compound were of a more whimsical nature. The tops were rounded, revealing smooth lines as if they were molded by hand, and their dark gray coloring revealed a stark contrast with the light red of the walls. Interesting.

As my gaze drifted back down to Ewan, I realized how carefully Soren's fortress had been constructed. Well, I suppose a stronghold would be given much thought before its assembly, but the way it was made—with the carved in balconies with their dark doorways, the smoothness of the outer walls, the subtle detail of the rooftops—left an air of sophistication, and rather than a fortress, as Ewan had claimed it to be, I felt it was more like a palace of Soren's making. One, that felt familiar, at that.

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