Chapter Twenty-Eight - Protests

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As leader the people of Defense became increasingly familiar as time passed. As my first week of being leader passed through, those who came in to train were easier to recognize and place. Additionally, their traits and characteristics of their training were easy to pinpoint. Before, I was focused on myself, but now I had everybody to worry about. Although it wasn't technically a worry, I was beginning to thrive under the expectations. Watching people refine their skills, build muscle and catch onto new techniques was some form of heroin – I was beginning to crave it.

True to my promise, I had set up a schedule for training. People were responding well to it and I'm using the building block of consistency to lure people into defense. Matt and Elise are my two main helpers and supporters – their advice has been invaluable. Is invaluable.

As they work around me, I stand and smile in the middle of room. People work around me; the sound of punches being thrown and the receivers groan echoing across the room in various stages. I had already trained with a group of people today and I stop to check who's here.

"These two havent arrived?" I question, pointing at the list. It was another of my promises I had followed through on. I knew exactly who was coming to train. If it wasn't everyone, I wasn't happy.

Matt shakes his head, frowning in my peripheral vision. "No, not for two days, actually."

I sigh and nod. "Okay, I'll go track them down. What room did you say the girl was in?"

"Twelfth." He nods before turning back to someone who's asking for his attention.

I send a smile to a group training before moving out of the Defense base. The whole camp feels a lot quieter, now that there's not tens of defense soldiers doing whatever they want. I feel as though I've restored some order to the camp.

Walking down the residential corridor, I count the doors until I end up at the designated one. I knock once before pushing in – the doors are rarely locked. I make it two steps into the room before I stop in shock. The man, who I'm assuming is the other missing one, is on top of the naked woman. I look up the ceiling and will my face to remain stoic against the embarrassment emanating around the room, mostly coming from me.

The man swears and drops down to the womans side, both of them dragging the sheets over themselves.

"You have five minutes to get to defense. This is the only mistake you can afford to make. If you miss one more training session by lying to me, I will have you personally removed from my sector," I keep my eyes on the ceiling for my speech but glare the ruffled pair to accentuate my next point. "Understand?"

They both nod frantically. I raise my eyebrows before walking back out of the door. I don't let them off the hook by breaking and smiling at them. They don't deserve that.

I womble my way back to Defense. Clearly my shock is evident as Matt latches onto it almost instantly, catching my wrist to make me face him.

"What happened? Did you find them?" He questions.

I nod. "Sure did. They were having sex."

Matt bursts out laughing and only laughs harder when he spots my unimpressed expression. "What? Does that bother you?"

It wouldn't, if they were doing it in their own time. It's only natural to have needs, I have them too, they just haven't been a priority in the past months. It's not like I've never done it, either, a guy in Oakwood took care of that. It's the lying that bothers me. Their selfish act that screwed up the schedule and potentially endangers others. Without everyone training, the camp has reduced defense. We're already weak, we cannot afford to become any weaker.

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