Chapter 30

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Brandon/Scott's POV
It's been a few days since Bryce's New Year's party. Nothing big really happened ever since. But today is the day of the rich kid party that I promised Monty I would go to. I'm really not in the mood to party right now but I have to go.

I decided to get ready. Monty said to meet him and Bryce outside the house.

I got there an hour later and there was already a lot of kids. These people are rich for sure. I walked up to Bryce and Monty. Monty doesn't look like he's in a good mood.

"Scott's finally here. Well I'm going to go meet up with some friends." Bryce said before leaving.

"I can't stand all these fucking rich kids. Make sure not to leave me alone with them." Monty said.


3 hours later

God dammit, where the fuck is Monty? He said he needed the bathroom but it's been almost 40 minutes. How much pee does he have in him? "Make sure not to leave me alone with them" my fucking ass. If anything he left me with them.

All of the sudden the kids at this party started running outside. I wonder what that's all about. Might as well follow them.

When I got outside, I saw Monty with a bloody fist on top of some dude with a blue shirt. Holy fuck, Monty's trying to beat the shit out of him. I ran in and tried to pull Monty off of the poor dude.

Bryce then ran in and apologized to the guy and gave him money just so he would keep quiet. Everyone was starring at us while we were leaving.

"What the fuck was that man?" I asked Monty.

"I don't want to fucking talk about it. Just forget about it." Monty said quietly but angrily.

What the fuck actually happened? Monty was gone for almost 40 minutes and when I find him, he's beating the shit out of some dude. Who was that guy?

Bryce gave Monty a ride home after. Later that night I decided to text Bryce to see if he knew anything.

Scott: Hey, do you know what happened with Monty at the party? And who was that guy he beated up?

Bryce: Pretty sure his name is Winston Williams. All I know is he's one of the rich kids. As for why Monty was beating him up, no clue man. But don't be too surprise.

Scott: What do you mean by that?

Bryce: Monty has issues, he acts up like that once a while. Nothing to worry about.

Scott: Like what kind of issues do you mean?

Bryce: Just family issues, I don't know too much about it. I wouldn't ask him about it if I were you. It's kind of a sensitive topic for him.

I want to ask him but I know he will probably get pissed and lash out at me like he did with that Winston guy. But I wonder what Winston did to make Monty that mad. Ever since I met Monty I've never seen him that mad before let alone beat the shit out of someone. I think I'll ask Monty about Winston once he's actually calm.


Monty is standing over there alone, now's my chance.

"Hey Monty."

"What's up Scotty."

"Are you ok man?"

"Why wouldn't I be." Monty started laughing but I can tell he had a bit of anger in his voice and knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You were really angry at that part-"

"Look nothing happened. Just forget about it." Monty said before walking away.

Well that was not helpful at all. My only plan now is to find Winston and ask him if Monty won't say anything.

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