✨Twenty-Third Dream✨

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The feeling of darkness, slowly engulfing you as the light becomes farther and farther away from your grasp.

The feeling of wanting to breath sweet, refreshing oxygen but water (but who knows if it's really water) fills your lungs.

The feeling of reaching towards something that isn't there.

Trying so desperately to swim up but a force keeps pulling you down.

These feelings are what you are currently feeling. Your vision pitch black, your lungs filled with water (at least you think it's water), something pulling you down as you desperately try to swim up.

In an attempt to free yourself, you unsheathed your sword and struck whatever was pulling you down. You could hear a distant yell as it let go, allowing you to use your remaining strength to swim up.

The moment you you were out of the layer of liquid suffocating you was the moment you started a coughing fit.

Once you were good (or at least got your bearings), you wiped the the liquid off your eyes and opened them to see you were indeed in a body of water, a lake to be specific.

The only question was how did you get here? You were with Muichirou one second and then you're suddenly dragged underground the next second, somehow ending up in this lake.

Your thoughts were answered when you heard something resurfacing not far from you, letting out a loud cry of pain.

"DAMN YOU!" you turned your head to the bluishly green demon. "You stabbed my hand with your sword! You could really hurt a demon with that!" it yelled.

"It's supposed to hurt." you deadpanned. "Are you stupid or something?"

"Why you-" it paused, taking a good look at you. "Hold on, you're a demon hunter aren't you?" it narrowed it's eyes at you.

"Are you blind too?" you added, sticking your tongue out. "Obviously I'm not." you lied, wanting to get under it's skin (another thing you learned from Muichirou).

"Don't lie to me!" it yelled, only getting madder at your actions. "Stop trying to swim away!"

"What are you talking about? I'm not swimming away." you sarcastically remarked, swimming further away from the demon.

"YES YOU ARE!" it yelled, considering that you couldn't hear it from that distance away.

"NO I'M NOT." you yelled back. "IT'S PROBABLY JUST THE WAVES."

"THERE ARE NO WAVES HERE! DAMMIT I HATE YOU!" it yelled, raising a hand from the water, green algae wrapping around your arms and legs, stopping you from getting away further. It raised another hand, algae rose and created steps for the demon as he walked towards you.

The surprising thing was that he didn't slip on such slippery al—nevermind.

"AGH!" it yelled, falling onto the water.

"Ohhhhhhhh." you commented, letting out a chuckle. "I can't believe you slipped on your own creation."

"Stop that you puny human!" it yelled, walking towards you using the algae steps at a slower and safer pace.

"Safety comes first huh?" you asked.

"Shut up!" finally making it's way towards you, it took a good look at you before smirking. "I knew it! You are a demon hunter!" it rejoiced at it's discovery.

"No shit Sherlock." you deadpanned. "What did you think I was? A kiwi?"

"Can you please shut up for ten seconds, you insufferable human being?!" it groaned, rubbing it's temples as it got no response from you.

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