Chapter 3

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Sebestian, Garnnete and I were standing next to our lockers in the hallway chatting up a storm. Hasina was off to the grand hall. Astonishingly, she was part of the student council. She had to be present for the preparations of the Hollow Moon Ball. After my conversation with Mr Caiman yesterday, I was calm and fairly well. The fact that the all the learners, apart from Hasina, have not noticed my strange scent was quite astonishing.

I had a lot to be grateful for. I was a halfblood who had reached eighteen years without being hunted down by the Corbinuous assassins. The gods of Moggadoria were truly in my favour.

" So,which school did you go to before you were enrolled here?" said Sebestian, staring at me curiously. " I went to a human school called Percasia High, " I said nonchalantly. They both gaped at me as though I had just said something horrifying. " It was not that bad,really, " I grinned at them.

Just when we were talking we heard gasps of surprise across the hallway. We all turned to look at the students across from us." Oh my Havens! The Corbinuous Royals are here,"exclaimed Theeva. She was a senior in advance healing and combat classes.

I gulped nervously at the knowledge Theeva had just announced. It was as though she had screamed in my ear to paralyse me with a deep-rooted fear.Whispers broke loose in a buzz of merry conversations about our unexpected guests. I snapped out of my shocked state."Guys, I have to go." I didn't wait for my friends to say anything. Knowing the Royals, they were surely going to tell that I was a halfblood. It was inevitable.

I ran straight to the Combat and Techniques class. Mr Caiman was training with a menacing sword. He halted his training when he saw me. " I apologise for interrupting you. I had nowhere to else go to." My eyes shifted about nervously. "What is it that is bothering you, Emmeranne? " he stared expectedly at me.

" The Corbinuous Royals are here. They are going to tell what I truly am." I gripped my hair in distress. " Don't worry. I have masked your scent. No one will be able to tell that you are a halfblood, " he said,his voice laden with uncertainty. Well that was reassuring.

" They are here for the Hollow Moon Ball. You have nothing to worry about."

"MAY ALL THE LEARNERS REPORT TO THE MEDIUM HALL, IMMEDIATELY, " announced Miss Dawnii on the intercom.

I glanced at Mr Caiman then I left. Hiding my face with a curtain of my black hair I sat as far as the seats allowed me. Unfortunately, the seats only allowed me to be eight rows away. There was nothing I could do to change the arrangement of the seats. Even though I was a bit far, I could see them clearly. The idea of the Corbinuous Royals spotting me in the crowd of Loreali Academy learners petrified me beyond measure. I sat rigid and tense, all the while ready to bolt for the exit.

Fear cocooned my heart like a dark shadowy blanket promising me a great deal of danger. I felt uneasy about the whole assembly. Thoughts of headmaster Verthorne offering me to the Corbinuous Royals as a sacrifice made me cringe with fear. The headmaster stood on the podium. I could see the Royals sitting with the teachers on the red velvet armchairs fit for royalty.

" Good moro,my good learners. We have special guests today. They are Corbinuous royalty and I suggest you treat them as such. They will be with us to celebrate the Hollow Moon Ball." I stole a glance at said Royals. They sat regally with impassive aristocratic faces. There were six of them, two lassies and four devastatingly handsome lads.

They wore expensive looking clothes that were specially designed for them. They all looked like sculptures made of white marble. "They are totally drool worthy, " whispered a red haired girl to her friend. They both giggled. I rolled my eyes at how pathetic they sounded. I could only see a sinister aura they radiated. They looked like a generation of evil tyrants to me, sadly, no one noticed the sly wickedness they had in the depths of their midnight black eyes.

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