Chapter 24: Realization Rules

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742 words, 4 minutes

Ordinary, mundane tasks and actions were just that. Ordinary. 

People did them dutifully or unknowingly out of habit. Things like getting out of bed in the morning, walking down the street, purchasing a beverage or using one's phone for entertainment while riding a train.

If Akane could describe her life with one word, it would be "ordinary". She was born, she grew and she experienced both good and bad things while performing ordinary tasks.

But something about Josaku made that process... enthralling. Compelling, even.

With Josaku, those "ordinary" tasks turned into things Akane would look forward to with the flip of a switch.

If she got out of bed in the morning, he would be lying down next to her.

If she were walking down the street, he would be by her side.

If she were purchasing a beverage, she would share it with him.

And instead of using her phone for entertainment while riding a train, her entertainment would be chatting with him about anything before sleepily laying her head on his shoulder with a sense of security deep inside it.

Of course, they didn't do any of these things yet, but that left Akane with something to look forward to.

Akane had also never experienced a strong companionship with someone that fostered a desire within her.

A desire to be cherished and held, to get closer physically and emotionally. To not even understand these fundamentals on a deeper level but know that you're experiencing them in the moment and that they make you feel extraordinary and special.

Then there was the hope that this companionship would blossom into something more.

No matter how busy she became with homework from university or tasks at her internship, a fire burned inside her heart with a wish to see Josaku more often. 

It was a simple wish, but being tossed into a fast-paced lifestyle that could trample you at any moment gave that wish more meaning since the lifestyle had gained the ability to steal time spent with loved ones.

Josaku had entered her little friend circle and was soon going to play the role of a special friend due to the undeniable attraction she had towards him.

She remembered the times he's shown her that he adores her. The little gestures like him offering her peaches and talking to her, and then the intimate gesture of hugging.

It was clear they were both OK with that.

Ever since Josaku entered her life, Akane has seen mundane tasks in a more aesthetic light, daydreaming about what it would be like to do those things with him.

She already experienced hanging out with him outside of a university setting. That was pretty fun, even though people viewing the situation from afar wouldn't know right off the bat what's so special about hanging out with someone.

To Akane, that time spent in his house allowed her to see another side of him that he didn't often present to the world. A more homely side that left him a little more comfortable and free to be himself. He had her play games with him, for goodness sake!

When was the last time she was amazed by something like this?

There were times when she felt like she found the perfect guy.

But when it came to love... that was sometimes a tricky subject.

If she was in love with him, then she didn't want to have to think about repetitive statements like "personality over looks", or if she's supposed to list all her personality traits and attributes for him; kind, caring, detail-oriented, understanding, hardworking... no, Akane wanted to show it.

She supposed there was always something inside of her that said "Actions speak louder than words". And although she was no relationship expert, she knew genuine feelings when she felt them herself.

Akane supposed Josaku would agree that they clicked because of common interests, like motorcycles. There was also the fact that they seemed very familiar with each other, like they've known each other long ago and just so happened to meet again in university.

Neither knew this, but they both thought about each other often and anticipated interaction and propinquity with one another.

To a bystander, the answer was so blatant; they were in love with each other but didn't admit it openly yet. Akane had the consciousness to know her heart was taken, but it took her a while to finally accept it.



Aw, how cute. My heart melts at this type of sappiness every single time.

This kinda feels like the Roaring 20s. Prepare for some spice in the next chapter~


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