Michael: Really bad Stomach flu :-(

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His P.O.V:

I woke up and my stomach was churning in pain. I glanced at the clock and it read 1 am. I laid back down, trying to go back to sleep. Seconds later, I jolted up. I was sweating, my stomach was twisting and churning, my head was pounding, and I could feel the bile in my throat. I really didn't want to wake Y\N up but I knew there was no way in hell I could make it to the bathroom alone. I gently shook her shoulder and said "Babe, wake up." "What Mikey?" She asked. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I muttered.

Your P.O.V:

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He muttered. I turned over and looked at him. He was pale, sweaty, and he was hugging his stomach. "Let's go to the bathroom, yeah?" I asked and he nodded. I took his hand and helped him up, guiding him to the bathroom. I opened the door and he immediately fell to his knees, gagging as he leaned over the toilet bowl. "I hate this Y\N, I feel horrible." He said as he began crying. He gagged again as I bent down to rub his back. "Its okay Mikey. Just breathe." I whispered. "I d-don't want to throw up!" He sobbed. "You'll feel better once you do baby." I whispered. He burped and then it all came up.

His P.O.V:

"I d-don't want to throw up!" I cried, the pain was unbearable. I didn't want to throw up. Not now, not ever.My stomach sloshed and churned, making me cry even more. "You'll feel better once you do baby." Y\N whispered. I burped and then it all came up. It stopped and I fell back into Y\N's lap. "I h-hate th-this." I cried. "I know it sucks baby. I'm sorry I can't do much." Y\N whispered. I could feel more bile in my throat as I sat up and leaned over the toilet, throwing up more. Each time it would stop, seconds later it would come back up. Finally it ended, but I wasn't able to see straight. "Mikey, you done?" Y\N asked. "I'm pretty sure." I whispered back. My stomach churned, still causing me pain. My face burned, I was sweating buckets, and my head was pounding. "Let's go back to bed." She whispered. I nodded and she helped me stand up. She laid me on the bed and I was shivering. "Its so cold." I whispered. Y\N laid next to me and placed her hand on my forehead. "Mikey you're burning up." She said. "I'll be right back okay." I nodded and she walked out of the room. She came back seconds later with a thermometer and a cool washcloth. She put the thermometer in my mouth and waited for the beep. She took it out and said "103.2, Mikey that's pretty high." She put the cold rag on my forehead and said "Do you want anything baby?" "You." I croaked. She laid next to me and I laid my head on her lap, focusing on anything besides the churning in my stomach and the pounding in my head.

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