Michael Part 2

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I woke up and I was having trouble breathing. Right now everything hurt. My throat, chest, muscles, stomach especially, and my head. I got up and trudged to the bathroom, knowing what was coming my way. I gagged half way there but I kept it down until I reached the toilet, that's when everything came up. I couldn't control the tears in my eyes, I let the tears roll down my cheeks as I got sicker. I finished and tried to get up but it was no use. I just laid back down onto the cold tile floor, it felt good on my hot skin. "Mikey you okay?" I heard Lexi ask. "No, I'm worse than before." I groaned. Lexi bent down next to me and felt my forehead. "Mikey you're fever is probably at its peak now. You're boiling." She said helping me sit up. "I'm so pathetic. I can't even get up on my own." I began crying. "Mikey you're sick. You're not pathetic." Lexi said as she lifted my body off the floor. She flushed the toilet and said "Do you wanna go back to bed or the couch?" "Couch." I replied weakly. She helped me onto the couch, laying me down. "Do you want anything?" She asked, brushing my blonde hair out of my eyes. "C-can you lay with me?" I asked. "Of course Mikey." She said sitting on the couch. I laid my head onto her lap, pressing my hands onto my stomach. "Hold on. I'm gonna take your temperature again." She said getting up. She came back with the thermometer and put it in my mouth. It beeped and she read it to me. "104.3, Mikey that's extremely high." She said sitting back down. I rested my head on her lap again. "How about I take you to the doctors tommorow if you aren't any better?" She asked playing with my hair. "Ok sis. I really hate this." I said. "I know Mikey, I know it sucks." She cooed. Tears poured out of my eyes, I was in just so much pain. "Just sleep Michael." Lexi whispered. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up shaking, Lexi wasn't behind me or next to me. It was hard to swallow and my mouth was watering. I walked to the bathroom and fell to my knees in front of the toilet. I threw up in the toilet bowl, my eyes stung from the bright bathroom light. "Michael?" I heard Lexi say. "Fuck.My.Life." I said in between getting sick. She walked into the bathroom, rubbing circles in my back. I cried, I just couldn't take the pain. I stopped throwing up but I began hyperventilating. "Mikey, Mikey. Its okay. You need to calm down." Lexi said. I tried to control my breathing, slowing it down. I started breathing normally. "There you go." Lexi whispered. "Let's take you to the doctor okay? You don't seem to be getting better." She helped me up and flushed the toilet. "Do you think you can handle a car ride?" She asked. "I-I'll try." I said. She handed me my hoodie and said "You might want this Mikey. Its the middle of June." (Australia's seasons are reversed so in Summer they have Winter. So in June it would be the middle of Winter.) I trudged out to the car with my hoodie on. I sat in the passenger seat and leaned my head on the car window. "Just be calm okay Mikey." Lexi said as she started the car. I nodded and she drove to the hospital.


I managed to not get sick in the car. Lexi helped me into the building, checking me in. I was called into a room and laid down on a hospital bed, half conscious. Lexi spoke for me, thankfully because I had no energy left. "Has he thrown up?" I heard the nurse ask. "Multiple times." Lexi answered. The nurse ran some tests, including blood tests. Ew. "Sis, am I gonna be okay?" I asked getting nervous. "I think so Mikey. We'll just have to see." Lexi said holding my shaking hand.

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