Michael Part 3

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I was still waiting for results. I was half conscious on the hospital bed. "Am...am I gonna be okay?" I asked getting worried. "I think you will Mikey. Its probably just a really bad flu." Lexi said running her fingers through my fringe. The nurse walked in and said "Michael just has a really bad flu. Just keep an eye on him. Make sure he stays hydrated, gets sleep, and eats something." Lexi sighed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Thank you. Come on Mikey." Lexi said helping me up. I stumbled to the car, still feeling gross. "I think I can do everything but eat." I groaned. "When you get home how about you just sleep." Lexi said as she drove. "Sounds like a plan." I mumbled.

*****AT HOME*****

I walked into the house and fell onto the couch. My stomach sloshed and churned, it hurt so bad.  "It hurts Lexi." I groaned. "Do you want some water?" She asked. I nodded and she came back with a glass. I drank about half and stopped. It hurt my throat to swallow it. I felt bile in my throat and ran to the bathroom. I dropped to my knees and threw up the water I just drank. "You can't catch a break can you?" Lexi said. "N-no." I said, still throwing up. I stopped and rested my head on the rim of the toilet. "H-help." I stuttered, throwing up again. Lexi rubbed circles in my back as I emptied my stomach. I finished and then tried to stand up, failing. "A little help." I asked. Lexi giggled and then helped me up. She helped me into bed and then gave me a gentle hug. "I love you little bro. Feel better, call me if you need me."

She whispered. I nodded and she walked out of the bedroom. I closed my eyes, still feeling like complete shit, and fell asleep.

I woke up in cold sweats, I was crying, and my stomach hurt more then ever. "Lexi...." I called. "What Mikey?" She asked walking in. "I h-had a nightmare I got so sick that I died in the hospital. Everyone was around me and they were crying." I said still crying. "Mikey its okay." Lexi said hugging me as I cried. "You're gonna be okay." She ran her fingers through my hair, calming me down. "It scared me. I thought I was never gonna see my friends or you or mom and dad again." I cried. Lexi just hugged me and played with my hair. "Do you wanna sit with me on the couch?" She asked. "Y-yeah." I said as she walked with me to the couch. "I'm so pathetic Lexi. I'm acting like I'm 4 years old." I said. "Mikey, you just had a bad dream and you're sick. Its okay." Lexi said. I laid on the couch, resting my head on her lap. "I don't wanna go back to sleep." I said, barely able to keep my eyes open. "Just close your eyes. It won't happen again Mikey." Lexi whispered. She rubbed my stomach, soothing the pain. "Mhmm." I hummed, it helped a lot. "Feel better?" Lexi smiled. I nodded, letting out a sick burp. I burped again but I could feel the bile rising up my throat. I jumped and ran to the bathroom, dropping to my knees and thowing up more. "Fuck." I cried. I threw up for about an hour, then laid on the tile floor. "I hate this so much." I said, crying again. Lexi walked in and actually picked me up bridal style. "No offense, but I didn't think you could pick me up." I whispered. She giggled and laid me on my bed. "Cuddles?" I asked. Lexi laid next to me and put my head on her lap. She rubbed my stomach again, it helped the pain. I actually got cold, I pulled the blankets up to my chin. I began shaking and my teeth chattered. Lexi  put my on her lap and i curled up into a ball. "I feel like I'm 3 again." I said as Lexi wrapped the blanket  and her arms around my body. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in her arms.

I woke up and the sun shined in my eyes. "Morning sleepy." I heard Lexi whisper. My stomach hurt really bad and my throat was really sore. "Morning." I croaked. It hurt to talk. I stood up but I got dizzy and fell back onto the bed. "You okay?" Lexi asked. "I think-" I began but I started coughing. I could feel bile in my throat and I walked to the bathroom. I dropped to my knees and gagged. I threw up for about half an hour. I flushed the toilet and started crying as laid down on the floor. "I fucking hate this." I said as tears poured down my cheeks. I got up and trudged back to bed, feeling like complete shit.

I feel like this is getting too long.

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