Mike-ro-wave: Stomach ache

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His P.O.V:

I have had the WORST stomach ache for about three days now. I have been going to work because I don't want to let down the fans by making the album late. I was getting my stuff together when I got the worst pain in my stomach. I ignored the pain and said goodbye to Y\N before walking out the door. The studio was literally five minutes away so I could just walk. I could feel my stomach sloshing and churning as I walked, I couldn't let the fans down so I ignored it. I walked through the studio door and Ashton looked at me, he knew something was wrong right away. "You okay Michael?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said. My stomach hurt more than ever now. "Let's get recording." Luke said as he ran into the booth. I followed him, walking slowly. Ashton was looking at me, he knew I wasn't fine. We started playing a song and about halfway I could feel the bile rising up my throat. I dropped my guitar and ran out of the booth to the bathroom. I fell to my knees and leaned over the toilet bowl, gagging. I threw up for about 20 minutes. I laid on the cold tile floor, pressing my hand against my stomach. "Baby, you okay?" I heard Y\N ask, one of the guys must have called her. "No..." I said, still lying on the floor. The door opened and she walked in. "Aw Michael why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good?" She asked leaning down to me. "We had to get the album done in time for the fans. I couldn't stay home." I said. Y\N moved me onto her lap and ran her fingers through my hair. "Let's go home Mikey." She said. I kept my mouth and eyes closed, I just shook my head. "I have to record the album." I mumbled, trying to sit up. "Mikey you just threw up." Y\N said as I flushed the toilet. "Your point being." I said. "You are going home you stubborn kitten." She said helping me up and leading me out the door. "I'm fine enough to record." I said as Y\N pulled me out the door. I felt a shooting pain in my stomach and leaned over. "Ugh, never mind." I said grimacing.  Y\N walked with me, well more like helped me walk home. I walked upstairs and flopped down on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. "Babe, can you cuddle with me?" I asked. Y\N smiled and laid next to me. I rested my head on her stomach, trying to ignore the churning in mine. I could feel more bile in my throat. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, falling to my knees in front of the toilet. Y\N walked in and rubbed circles in my back as I emptied what was left in my stomach. I finished and flushed the toilet, standing up and walking back to bed. Y\N laid down and I rested my head on her stomach again. She played with my hair, knowing it relaxed me. My stomach was really hurting right now. I hugged my stomach, squeezing my eyes shut. "That bad Mikey?" Y\N asked. I nodded, just in case because if I open my mouth and I could get sick again. "Sorry babe. I can't do much because you don't have a fever or anything. Your stomach just hurts." She said. I could tell how bad she felt, she really wanted to help but she couldn't do anything but give me something to eat or drink, but that probably isn't the best idea right now. "How about you just try and sleep okay? That might help." Y\N said with a smile. "Sounds like a plan." I mumbled. I closed my eyes and I heard Y\N say "Feel better Mikey. I love you." I felt her lips ghost over my temple, placing a soft kiss on it.

I got really carried away with this one. Its so long, I'm sorry.

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