Chicken Pox!!!!: Michael

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Your P.O.V:

I woke up in Michael's bunk and saw him scratching his arms. "Mikey what's wrong?" I asked. "I'm all itchy." He whined. I looked at his arm and saw little red spots all over him. "Babe, you have the chicken pox." I said. "What no!" He said in shock. "I have had them before, I know exactly what they look like." I said. "Fuck!" He said. He started scratching his stomach. "They fucking itch!" He growled. "You can't scratch them or else you will get scabs everywhere." I said. I hugged him from behind and laid him on my lap. "Won't you catch it?" He asked. "I've had them before, I can't get them again." I said. "I'm gonna go tell the others. Its hard because you're on a tour bus, but stay away from them." I got up to warn the others. "Um guys, Mikey has the chicken pox. So you need to stay away from him so you won't catch it." I said walking into the back room where everyone was sat. "OK, thanks for the warning." Ashton said. I walked back to the bunk and saw Michael scratching his legs. "Fucking hell!" He said through gritted teeth. "Don't make me put oven mits on your hands like in that episode of Friends." I warned him. He immediately stopped scratching and laid down. I sat next to him and he rested his head on my lap. "Is there anything to stop the itching?" He whined, obviously trying hard not to scratch. "Sorry Mike, I don't think there is." I said. "Dammit." He cursed under his breath. "Just try and sleep Clifford." I laughed. "I'll call the doctor in the morning and ask about it." "Thank you." He mumbled before falling asleep.

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