Muke fluff: Stomach flu

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Michael's P.O.V:

I heard groans coming from Luke's side of the bed. "Baby, you okay?" I asked sitting up. "Not really." He admitted, his voice was hoarse and choppy. "What's wrong Lukey?" I asked getting a little worried. "Everything aches. My stomach hurts really bad and head is throbbing." He said hoarsley. "I'm sorry." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. I placed my lips on his forehead but quickly moved them away once I felt how hot he was. "Luke you're burning up." I said. "Really because I'm cold." He said pulling the covers up to his chin. I heard his stomach gurgle under the covers. He got up and walked into the bathroom. I followed behind him,hearing gags and coughs from the bathroom. "Baby can I come in?" I asked. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. I walked in and he was leaning over the toilet, hugging his stomach. "My tummy hurts really bad Mikey." He whimpered. "Aw Lukey I'm sorry." I said leaning next to him, rubbing his back. He gagged and coughed but nothing came up. "I feel horrible." He said as he began crying. I sat behind him and he laid back into my lap. "I'm sorry baby. I know it sucks, I wish I could help you." I said. Luke sat up quickly and threw up into the toilet bowl. I rubbed circles in his back, trying to soothe him. "I hate this." He said in between getting sick. "I know its makes you feel bad Luke. I can't do much to help you." I said as the contents of his stomach came up. He stopped for a minute and I asked "You done?" "I think." He whispered. I grabbed a few tissues and cleaned his face. "Wanna go back to bed babe?" I asked helping him stand up. He nodded and I flushed the toilet. I walked him to our bedroom and he crawled under the covers, pulling the blankets up to his chin. "Can you cuddle me Mikey?" He asked with a pout. "Of course baby." I said sitting next to him and he crawled onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him up to my chest.  "I love you Mikey." Luke mumbled sleepily.  "I love you too Lukey. Try and sleep okay?" I said. "Sounds good." He mumbled and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I kissed his burning forehead as I heard his soft snores. I could hear his stomach gurgle as he slept. I felt really bad because I couldn't really do anything except give him medicine and cuddles. I let go of him and gently took his arms off me to get up. I grabbed the ear thermometer so I could take his temperature without waking him up. I gently stuck the thermometer in his ear and waited for the beep. I read the thermometer in my head and it said '103.2'  I frowned and put the thermometer away. I sat back down and put Luke back where he was so he didn't wake up startled. I wrapped my arms around him again and laid my head on his, falling asleep.

Luke's P.O.V:

I woke up in Michael's arms, one of my favorite ways to wake up. My stomach flipped and churned, causing me to wince in pain. "Your stomach still hurt?" I heard Michael say. "Did I wake you up Mikey?" I asked. He shook his head and said "I just wanna know if you're any better." He ran his fingers through my hair, smiling at me. His smile was one of my favorite things to look at, always made me happier.  "Not really better. Possibly worse." I muttered. "I think you have the stomach flu baby. I'll take care of you though." Michael said. I hugged my stomach, trying to control the pain. "That bad baby?" He asked. I nodded and he started rubbing my stomach. I smiled and thought 'He has magic fingers.' "Thank you baby." Michael laughed. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed. "Yeah, but it was cute." He said. I started coughing a little. "You okay?" Michael asked. I nodded getting sleepy again. "I'm sleepy." I mumbled into Michael's neck. "You can sleep. I'll just cuddle you even more." He whispered, holding me closer to his chest. I sat up and wrapped my arms and legs around him. I laid my head on his shoulder and said "Cuddles and hugs at the exact same time." "Even better." Michael mumbled into my neck. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

This was so bad but its adorable. I ship all of the 5sos ships actually. Weird but true. Muke is just the easiest to write.

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