Michael Part 1

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Details in the part before this.

I woke up on the air mattress in Calum's room. My stomach didn't feel good at all, but I just ignored it and put on the clothes that I packed for today. I walked downstairs and Calum was on the bottom step. "Hey Mike. You don't look to good." He said turning around. "I don't feel that good either." I said sitting down next to him. "What's wrong?" Calum asked. "My stomach hurts pretty badly right now." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "Mike, you're burning up." He said. I just groaned in response. "I'm gonna lay on the couch." I said getting up. I spread out on the couch and hugged my stomach. "Michael, you okay?" I heard Ashton say. "No...." I said. "Do you want me to call Lexi?" He asked. Lexi was my sister, and my only sibling. My parents were away on a trip for work so they couldn't come over or anything. "Yeah. Thanks Ash." I said. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain in my stomach. "She's on her way, Michael." Ashton informed me, brushing my blonde fringe out of my eyes. I felt the bile rising up my throat. "I'll be right back." I said, jumping up and running to the bathroom. I fell to my knees and threw up into the toilet. I could barely breathe, it just wouldn't stop. "Mikey, you okay?" I heard Lexi say. "N-no." I cried. She walked in and was immediately by side, rubbing my back. "I want mom." I cried once I stopped throwing up. "I know Mikey. She can't come over, but I'm right here." Lexi said. "You think you're done Mikey?" "Pretty sure." I said. She helped me clean up and I stumbled out of the bathroom onto the couch. "I'll be right back okay?" Lexi whispered and I nodded. She came back with a thermometer and medicine. "Mikey, I need you to sit up." Lexi said. I sat up slowly and she handed me the medicine. I took it and then she put the thermometer in my mouth. It beeped and she read it. "Mikey you're sick. 103.5 is temperature. Do you wanna go home?" She said, running her fingers through my fringe. "O-okay." I whispered. I stood up and hugged my stomach. "Bye Michael. Feel better." I heard my band members say. I waved as me and Lexi walked out the door. We walked through the door of our house and felt more bile coming up my throat. I ran into the bathroom and fell to my knees in front of the toilet. I threw up for about an hour, emptying everything in my stomach. "Sis...." I called trying to get Lexi. "What Mikey?" She asked walking in. "Can you help me up?" I asked. I sounded so pathetic, I couldn't even get up on my own I was so weak. Lexi helped me up and said "How about you go to bed?" I nodded and walked to my room. I crawled under the covers but threw them off immediately. It was way too hot for blankets, or clothes for that matter. I took off my hoodie and shirt, but I left on my pants on, so Lexi didn't have to see me in my underwear.  I fell back onto the bed, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Part 2 is coming up next.

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