Basketball injury: Michael

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I know none of this will never fucking happen but just bare with me here.

Your P.O.V:

"Y\N!" I heard my best friend Michael yell from across the basketball field. I turned around and basketball was thrown at me, I caught it and threw it in the hoop, making a shot. Michael was standing right under the hoop, like an idiot, and the ball hit him on the head. I laughed and then he chased after me. He grabbed me and spun me around in circles. "Gotcha." He laughed. He stared into my eyes and I stared into his, I always had a crush on him but he was my best friend and I didn't wanna ruin our relationship. "You okay Mikey?" I asked. He shook his head and said "Yeah, I'm fine." "Now go play Clifford. Thing one and thing two are waiting for you." I said pointing to Luke and Calum back on the court. Michael ran back onto the court and I just watched him from the bleachers. He kept swearing every time he missed a shot, 'Captain of the court!' is what he called himself considering he was the team captain for our team. I heard a loud thud, I thought it was just a ball but then I heard Michael yell "OW FUCK!" I got up and saw Michael, laying face down on the gravel. I walked over to him, knowing he would have gotten up by now. "Mikey, you okay?" I asked leaning over him. He was holding onto his knee, "Does it look like I'm okay?" He said. "Hey I wanna help you, asshole." I said. He rolled over, one hand on his face and one hand on his knee. I sat him up and took his hand off his face, there was several little cuts on his cheek. I grabbed a tissue from my bag and wiped the blood off his face, causing him to wince a little. "Squeeze my hand if it hurts that badly." I said and he squeezed my hand tightly. His jeans had a dark spot on the knee, probably from blood. He started pulling up his pants leg, slowly, wincing each time he pulled it. When he saw his knee, his eyes went wide. There was a huge cut on his knee, with little cuts around it, there was blood dripping down the cuts. "FUCK!" Michael said, tears starting to fall. I cleaned up the blood and said "Do you want me to drive you home? I have a shitload of stuff at my house since my mom's a doctor." He nodded and stood up. He put his arm over my shoulders, using me as support. He limped over to my car, tears still running down his face. I said "How badly does it hurt love?" "Really bad Y\N." He whimpered.


I helped Michael into my house and sat him on the kitchen counter, since it was the biggest. I grabbed the salt, a towel, and the first aid kit. "You're gonna hate me but I need to do this." I said pouring salt into my hand. "What are you doing with the salt?" Michael asked confused. "Putting it on your cuts. It helps it heal properly." I said. I wet the towel and dabbed the salt onto it. "You're so gonna hate me." I muttered before placing the towel on the cut. "Wh-" Michael said but cut himself off by clenching his teeth due to the pain. He gripped onto the counter so hard his knuckles began to turn white. I took the salt off and winced the blood off with water. "Mother fucking...." Michael muttered but I couldn't hear the rest of it. "Better be telling that to the pain mister." I said wrapping up his knee. I bandaged all his cuts, including the ones on his face. "Thank you baby." Michael said hugging me. "You're welcome Mikey. Wait did you call me baby?" I asked. He went dark red and said "Um yeah." "I like it." I said kissing his cheek, only causing him to go a darker shade of red.

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