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At the castle Brume it was more reassuring. The children slept with me and they trained to become warriors.

The surviving monks and the Padre were moved to the fort. I was put to work on the structural work, to the satisfaction of the Dragonslayers.

I was officially named Dragonslayer for having eliminated 2 dragons and proving my loyalty.

And I was given a chain medallion with their symbol and a black cape with 2 small discreet red squares on each side.

A tattoo was painted on one of my horns to show who I am and what I am: A dragon scourge. I was proud to wear it.

I flew with Amara on my back, so she was the first Dragon Lady, but I couldn't believe the ties and all that stuff, and the day she left me I wouldn't die with my mouth open!

They tried a lot of funny stuff with me like trying to see through my eyes and me through theirs but I told them to invent Skype or messenger it's easier but they didn't understand my sense of humor.

I had to show them a video 1500 years in the future. But I quickly understood that it... in short... no need...Fuck it.

All I wanted was to sleep with the kids but they were growing up very fast, too fast for me. My mental age progressed more slowly and with my instincts, I was 11 years old but in my dragon head 7 -8 years old and I wanted to play all the time.

Aurelie, let's play hide and seek? I asked.

Marc, another time, I have to help in the kitchen.

And you Theo, do you come to hunt on my back or to fish?

Marc, we are almost 13 years old and I have to work on my apprenticeship.

Then the children grew up and started their shifts and one, two and four didn't come to sleep with me anymore. Then they went to different castles to serve as squires.

The monks drank alcohol and beer like holes and and and I was all alone.

The crying resounded again and Arma had to come and sleep with me.

Grunt discussed my problem with Arma and the other dragonlayers:

On the one hand we have monsters that kill us and here Marc who kills us slowly and cries all night long. The men become insane and when he sleeps of exhaustion to have cried, he makes up for it by snoring.

Marc is really nice but too nice. And the time scale is different for him from us. He evolves mentally more slowly or in phases but he is a kid with men and immature with dragons.

What are we going to do with him? We're not going to kill him anyway?

Arma: Don't you dare think like that. I love Mark but as a child, an apprentice.

We're going to educate him as a squire so that he can become a knight! He has to put away his toys and "cut the umbilical cord."

I'm going to try this impossible mission!

Grunt and the others: Courage!

Early in the morning,



Instead of hitting me, which would have had no effect, Arma decided to break my ears.

Get up Snotty! Today you put away your toys and your cuddly toys and your comedy at night, we don't want them anymore.

You break our ears at night and every time you keep us awake at night, we'll take revenge with the gong. And for variety we have other musical instruments if you want and we also have other means that you don't know about.

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now