New Neighbours

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Kokichis pov

"now listen up tiny mortal this is how we are going to achieve world domination!" I was sitting in the garden as daddy went on about world domination. I wasn't really listening cause it was all boring stuff!

I then noticed a car pull up. Oh yeah mommy said we're getting new neighbours. I saw a man with red eyes come out along with a funny haired man and a purple haired boy around my age. My eyes lit up. A new friend!

I snuck away from daddy's lesson and walked over to the other house. I was about to go over when I noticed that the funny haired man was having trouble with his bike.

"fuck! dammit! Son of a bitch!"

Those words sounded funny so I discided to copy him.

Mondos pov


I jumped at the voice. I turned around to see a kid around kaitos age staring up at me. Shit he must be the neighbours kid! Taka gonna be pissed if he hears I taught a kid how to curse. Gotta cover my tracks!

"hey buddy you know you shouldn't say bad words like that!"

"but you said it" he pointed out. Shit that usually works on kaito. Guess this kids smarter then I give him credit for!

"yeah but I'm a bad man. You don't want to be bad do you?"

"no way! I don't want to have funny hair like you!" did he just make fun of my hair?

"anyway can I go play with your son?"

"sure thing kid he's in the back yard"

"yay!" he ran off. I sighed in relief. Looks like I douged a bullet there. I got back to work on my bike. A couple of minutes later a pink haired man came running up to me.

"excuse me have you seen my son? He's small with purple hair and purple eyes." the dude was pretty frantic but I guess I couldn't blame him losing a kids scary as shit!

"oh yeah he's playing out back with my son" I replied.

"oh thank you!" he said running to the back yard. He immediately scooped up the boy and kissed the boy.

"oh baby you can't run away without telling me! You really scared me!"

"sorry mommy" he muttered.

"oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were looking for him" taka said apologetically. "my names kiyotaka owada but please just call me taka! This is my son kaito!"

"hi your sons funny" kaito giggled.

"Well my names kazuiki tanaka it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm glad to see that kokichi has a friend to play with!"

Everything was going great until the kid blurted out a curse word.

"kokichi where on earth did you hear that word!?" he pointed at me.

"that man said all kinds of funny words"

Kazuiki stomped up to me, his face red with anger "who the hell do you think you are teaching my child that vulgar language!"

"I swear I didn't know he was there!" I tried to explain.

"I don't want to hear your excuses!" he walked off with kokichi in his arms.

Taka glared at me. I think it's safe to say I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.

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