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I was inspired by the comic up above.

Kokichis pov

Me and miu agree that today we would confess our love to kiibo and let him decide on who he wants to be with.

"okay you failed abortion we'll deside on who goes first with a game of rock, paper,scissors" miu announced.

"alright slut let's do this!" I said confidently.

We both went and I won with paper.

"haha I win! Wish me luck miu" I giggled. Miu replied with a simple "fuck you!" as I walked into the empty library kiibo was reading in. I tapped him gently on the shoulder.

"hey kiibo can we talk?" I asked.

"sure I always have time for my friends" kiibo said putting the book down. I took a deep breath

"Well they thing is over time I've developed feelings for you and I wanted you to know. Wherever you like me back or not I can handle it!"

Kiibo stayed silent. I got nervous and did something very stupid.

"haha that was just a lie! Did you really believe it? God you're so dumb!"

"huh?" kiibo said looking baffled.

"sorry to break your heart kiiboy but it was all a lie" I yelled as I ran out the door. I then accidentally banged into miu who was grinning at me.

"you didn't even wait for a proper response! Are you that afraid of getting rejected?" she asked.

"shut up you old hag" I growled.

"I'm not an old hag! Anyway it's my turn so watch how a pro saduces their man." mui walked into the library. I didn't want to watch as I knew it would hurt but curiosity got the better of me and I peeked in.

"hey kiibo"

"oh hey miu. Is kokichi ok? He's acting kinda weird."

"do worry about him. Focus on me!" miu said hopping onto the robots knee and cuddling into his chest. Of course she's going to win him over by being a slut!

"Umm miu are you ok? You're acting a little more forward than usual"

"Well it's because I love you" miu said smiling sweetly. Kiibo stayed silent. "you don't love me back do you?" miu said quietly "and I'm just making a fool of myself!" she burst into tears and ran out the room leaving kiibo with a what the hell is going on? Face.

In the garden

"Well it's official we both suck at confessing our feelings" miu muttered.

"yep" I replied

"Kiibos going to want a explanation for our weird behaviour"


"in fact he's standing there right now!"

"ye-what!" I sat up and sure enough kiibo was standing there.


"I've thought about what you both have said and I've come to a decision."

My heart stopped. He's going to choose one of us? Who's he going to choose?

"I choose..."

our little leader (a soudam family AU) Where stories live. Discover now