Chapter Ten

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Aria's P.O.V.

"Aria, are you done in there yet?" Clay asked from behind the bathroom door. I was in the bathroom getting ready for the Facetime call with our parents. As I finished brushing my hair, I was imagining the looks on their faces when we told them the big news. "Open the door Aria, I need to go to the bathroom!" Clay pounded on the door. I opened the door and I stepped out of the bathroom, still brushing my hair. "It's all yours," I smiled.

After a few minutes, Clay came out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch next to me. We sat our phones up and I called both of my parents, Clay added his parents into the call. "I'm so nervous," I sighed. "Don't be, I know they are gonna be happy for us," Clay smiled. He always knew how to make me feel better, that was one of the reasons why I loved him. 

We pressed the call button, and after a few rings, our parents picked up the facetime call. "Hey, you two! How are you guys doing?" My mom asked. "We're doing great! We have something to tell you," I answered taking a quick glance at Clay. "What is it? Is it good news?" Mrs. Jensen asked. I silently counted to three and lifted my hand up to the camera to reveal the ring, I started smiling uncontrollably as our parents let out small gasps and started cheering.

"Congratulations you two!" Mr. Jensen smiled. Clay and I gently embraced each other, and I was so happy that we were getting married. "Clay, our daughter is very important to us, do you promise to take care of her?" Dad asked. I knew that Clay would say he would, he had taken such good care of me, and I knew that he would never let anything hurt me. "I promise," he answered.

"Okay, then I give you my blessing," Clay and I were so happy and I couldn't wait to finally get married to the one I love. When we hung up the phone call, I decided to call Jessica and make sure that she was okay after what she told me at the park.

"Hey Clay, I'm gonna call Jessica real quick okay? Then we can head out and get some lunch," I said. "Okay, tell Jess I said hi," he nodded. I went into the bathroom and I dialed Jess's number. After two rings, Jess picked up the phone. "Hey Aria, what's up?" she asked. "I just wanted to make sure that your okay after what happened this morning," I whispered. "Yeah, I'm fine, what about you?"

I went on to tell her that Clay and I had told our parents about the engagement, and even though she knew about it, she acted surprised, probably because Justin was in the room with her. I heard Justin say something in the background, but I couldn't make out exactly what it was. "Don't worry, I was planning on telling her Justin," She said. I knew that it was about her pregnancy, maybe she finally told Justin about it, I just hoped that she took my advice and didn't tell him the truth.

"So, Aria, Justin and I have some news, We're having a baby!" She said acting excited about it. Even though I knew about it, I still acted like I had no idea. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" I said. "Thank you, well I gotta go, we're gonna call my parents and tell them the news," 

"Okay, Clay wanted me to tell you that he said hi," I quickly added. "Tell him I said hi back!" Then, we hung up, and I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my purse. "How's Jessica doing?" Clay asked. "She's doing great, she just told me that she and Justin are having a baby," I answered. Clay's eyes lit up and he started smiling. "That's wonderful, I'm so happy for them!" he smiled. He got off the couch and walked over to me and we embraced each other not wanting to let each other go.

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