Chapter Eighteen

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The next day...

Aria's P.O.V.

After receiving the news about Jess's death, I couldn't get out of bed, it felt like I was paralyzed from the waist down. I couldn't even move around in the bed because everything felt so numb. All I could think about was the time that Jessica and I spent together when she was alive. Then, I managed to turn over slightly in the bed and I stared at the empty sheets. Clay had left for work an hour and a half ago, he had asked me if I wanted him to stay home, but I told him that I would be fine, even though I wasn't.

Then, I felt another wave of nausea crash over me, and I stumbled over to the bathroom and I threw up again. When I was done, I pressed my back against the tub and I started to contemplate probable causes for my sickness,. Then, suddenly, I felt my heartbeat start to accelerate as another possibility crossed my mind. The night after Jessica's baby shower, Clay and I were spending the night watching our favorite movies together while we were drinking. Eventually, one thing led to another.

Even though it was possible, I wasn't 100% sure that I was. So, I drove over to the nearest pharmacy and purchased a few pregnancy tests. The whole time I was there, I was praying that this was a false alarm, I was already dealing with the death of my best friend, a baby would just be adding pressure during the difficult time.

When I got back home I sat on the toilet and took the tests, and I waited a few minutes for those results. All of a sudden, I started thinking about Jessica, and how scared she must've been when she took that pregnancy test. Even thinking about her made me want to break down in tears, and the scene of Clay and I leaving the hospital kept replaying inside my head.

Clay drove the car back to the apartment, and I remember I couldn't stop crying, and I couldn't imagine how Justin was taking the death of the love of his life. I was just hoping that he wouldn't' go back to doing heroin or try to kill himself to be reunited with her. The timer on my phone went off and I took a look at the pregnancy test results, and I was in shock by what I saw...

I was pregnant...

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