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I walked in hoping the common room was empty to avoid the stares, but it wasn't. Everyone was there. I tried to walk past, but Pansy got up and pulled my arm. She looked scared and happy at the same time.

"What?" I said I was hoping she would just laugh and let me fix it.

"So you are a death eater; who would have thought?" Pansy said, laughing.

"Shut up, Parkinson," I replied, I was about to open my mouth to talk again when suddenly Draco burst through the door, looking angry. I asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he lied, pansy then came over, acting like Draco belonged to her.

"Babe, what's wrong? You're not fine." She said, "Let's go have some fun that will cheer you up." She bit her lip as she went to kiss Draco, but he pushed her off.

"Get off of me," he spat, before yelling at Pansy not to touch him again. She ran to her dorm, crying, when everyone started laughing at her.

I'm even more confused because this morning they were flirting. Everyone seemed to remember why they were all there—to ask me questions.

"So you really are a death eater?" Blaise asked

"It's really none of your business," I hissed

"Woah, calm down; we're just asking because they don't seem like you," he replied bitterly.

"Well, you don't know me, Zabini, so how would you know?" I snapped before turning for the door and leaving the common room.

Draco followed me. I don't know why, but he grabbed my arm. We saw Professor McGonagle walk up to me and Draco and ask the both of us to follow her. We both thought, 'What if she knows about us having sex around the entire school?' but then I remembered that Dumbledore promised to hide me and Draco. She brought us to his office and left us in there. I walked in with Draco, really nervous.

"I assume you know why you are here, Miss André," he said kindly, "but Draco, I think you might be rather confused, am I right?" He said to continue.

"Yes, sir," Draco said, scared as all hell.

"Earlier today, when I called Ms. Yasmine to my office, I told her I didn't think that she had gotten the dark mark willingly and that I believed her that the dark lord was back. I promised to hide her somewhere, but she told me she couldn't be the only one hidden," he said, concentrating on Draco's expression.

"She told me that you had been dragged into being a death eater by your parents; she asked me to hide you with her, and I agreed." He finished giving Draco a small smile, and I was scared of what Draco would think.

Draco looked at me as if I had betrayed him. I kind of did.

"That would be great, professer." He said he was not saying another word. It's at that moment that I knew I fucked you big time.

Dumbledore stood up and healed out both his arms and told us to grab on. He aperated to a small cottage in a forest on the east side of London. It had two bed rooms, each with an attached bath room, and a closet. The kitchen was packed with food, and it had a giant living room.

"I will send Professor McGonagle with your clothing; I expect you too to sleep in your own bed rooms, but I don't think it will be a problem; we will check up on you once every 2 weeks; Professor McGonagle's will be your secret keeper and will bring you your food." He said

We thanked him so much before he dispersed back to Hogwarts.

"What the actual fuck, Yasmine?" Draco spat visibly very angry.

"What did you want me to do, Draco? Go into hiding alone? Leave you to die? I was looking out for you!" i screamed

"You probably just got us killed!" He screamed

"I know you're mad now, but you will thank me later; you're just too selfish to realize it," I spat at him. He scuffed and sat down on the couch. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

Almost an hour later, McGonagle showed up with our clothes. She talked to us for a little before leaving. Draco took his bag and brought it to his room. I frowned and brought mine to my room.

I made myself a grilled cheese before going to bed. I didn't offer to make Draco anything because he was being a huge Dick to me; even though it was well deserved, it was uncalled for. Before going to bed, I ended up watching a Muggle Disney movie on the TV in my room; afterwards, I was trying really hard to sleep, but I just couldn't.

For some reason, I was so horny today that I could barely function.

Word count: 823

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now