|T W E N T Y|

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It's been a month since I've been living with the Malfoys on the weekends. Not being able to get rid of the thoughts of the dark lord is killing me. Draco tries to keep my mind off my father, but nothing is really working. I know I shouldn't be as worried as I am, but I can't help it. I keep thinking of the good times. Before Hogwarts, before the sorting that put me in Slytherin, things could have ended up so differently.

But yet, things ended up this way, and I gotta lean to accept that.

There's less than a month left in my 6th year, and the cabinet at Borgin and Bruke's is completely repaired. Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts today; if he's back, there is definitely a reason, and there is definitely no convincing him to leave again. He keeps resorting to something about his fate, which finally caught up to him. I don't understand.

It's currently dinner time. Me and Draco stayed behind in the common room. We have less than an hour till we lead the death eaters into the castle. We are completely alone, and yet I feel the need to whisper, "We can't actually do this." I say out of nowhere. Draco looks at me and says, "We have too." I know he is right. But my morals are starting to take over.

The wait is over; it's time.

We get up and make our way to the room or requirements as carefully as we can. Once we're inside, we move things out of the way of the cabinet, making a path for the death eaters to enter. Now all we do is sit around and wait for them.

"This is insane; people are going to die," I say, shaking my head.

"Friends, our classmates, this is going to end in a full-on war," I say, and he agrees.

"You know that it does turn into a full-on battle; none of the houses are going to go down without a fight," I say.

"Well, most of the Slytherin will join the Dark Lord because of their parents," Draco said.

"I bet you they force the Slytherins back into the dungeon because of that exact reason," I say with a laugh, trying to make light of the situation, but instantly the tension is back when the cabinet starts moving. "It's time," we both end up saying at the same time.

The first one came through: Bellatrix LeStrange. She smiled evilly, and I started walking, twirling, and skipping towards the doors before pausing to wait. Seconds later Almost 60 death eaters are now in the room of requirements. We start making our way through the castle, me and Draco on opposite sides of the death eaters. We pass a few students that the death eaters ended up petrifying.

As we got closer to the astronomy tower, my heart was racing. I looked over at Draco, tears in my eyes. Her point was towards someone looking at us through the doors, Luna Lovegood. She has such a sad look on her face; she is smarter than most people think; she knows exactly what's happening.

I gave her the same look back. I hope she understands I don't want to do this.

Draco and I went up the tower first while the death eaters stayed at the bottom, making sure no one else came up. Draco seemed to know exactly why we were going up there; I did not.

As we were walking up the stairs, I noticed Harry. I don't know what came over me or why I said this to Harry, but I mouthed the words "get yourself out of here" to Harry, and immediately Draco shocked his head. I didn't understand; I didn't even know he had seen it, but I soon would.

We made our way to the top step, where Dumbledore was facing the window. As if he already knew we were here, he turned around to face us.

"Fate is funny, isn't it?" Dumbledore said. Me and Draco stayed silent. We must have taken longer than we were supposed to to get up here, because just at the moment, Snape came running upstairs.

Snape looked at Dumbledore for a second, and at that point, Draco pointed his wand at Dumbledore.

"Draco, what are you doing?" I said, and Bellatrix came running up. "Draco, what's taking so long? Do it!" She said it excitedly. He did nothing, said nothing, and just looked at Dumbledore, keeping his wand pointed.

"Do it, Draco!" She said, Snape pushed past Draco. He hesitated for a second, pointing his wand at Dumbledore, tears forming in his eyes. "NOW SEVERUS!" Bellatrix yelled. I heard Dumbledore say quietly, "Please." Was he pleading for his life or pleading for him to take his life? I can't tell. Either way, Dumbledore probably knew for a while that this was coming.

Snape started speaking, choking on his words, "avada kedavra," and Dumbledore was sent flying out the wind. I gasped, shocked. I didn't think they were killing him tonight.

I rushed down the stairs; most of the death eaters were gone. I was Potter there. Despite him being my enemy, I warned him.

"Get yourself off the ground tonight. You have no reason to trust me, but please. You know who is looking for you. He will kill you when he finds you; get out of here," I warned him.

"I don't trust you," he replies.

"Harry! We have been informing Dumbledore on everything; why do you think he left for so long? He is a smart man; he had to have left you things to help you. Follow the signs and get out of here!" I say, rushing off, as I hear everyone rushing down the tower. Before I could, though, Harry asked quickly, "Do I have time to warn my friends?" "If you do get there, make sure they don't leave any signs to find you," I said, and with that, I ran off. I made my way to the dining hall, where Draco met up with me. I gave him a hug and asked what the fuck happened.

"Yasmine I'm sorry, I didn't tell you," he said.

"Tell me what? That you were going to kill Dumbledore?" I whispered a shout to him.

The castle was eerily quiet at this time. I knew the death eaters were gone and the rest of the school was missing. We headed to the upper floor of the castle, looked out a window facing the courtyard in front of the astronomy tower, I was looking out and noticed Hagrid and his dog rushing out of his hut and out into the woods.

I also noticed it in the courtyard. noticed the entire school pointing their wands up, surrounding Dumbledores lifeless body, professor McGonagall sitting next to him, all of their wands glowing at the tip. I did the same thing, lifting my wand up to the sky and watching it illuminate.

Draco noticed and did the same. Even though we are part of the reason he is dead, we didn't want it to come to this.

I notice Harry walk out to the courtyard. He is the only one to look up and notice me and Draco with our wands up.

I wished so much that this was over. But I knew it was only the beginning. I just hope Harry decides to heed my warning and leave the castle grounds as soon as possible.

Word count: 1253

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat