|T W E N T Y F O U R|

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The three weeks went by way too fast. There's 2 days before we go to King's Cross to return to Hogwarts; both of our trunks are already packed up. Considering both me and Draco lost all our friends this year, we quite literally spent all of our time together.

We did anything to keep our minds off of what is waiting for us when we get back to Hogwarts; word spreads fast around there, and I know for a fact that the students that were petrified saw me and Draco.

I still have absolutely no idea if Harry listened to me. I hope he did. There is one school year left; it should be easy to get through, but with the dark lord rising to power so quickly, I don't think there will ever be peace again. Harry would be dead, and the people of the wizarding world would face a choice: join or die. The Mudbloods would all be dead; who knows what would come of the halfbloods?

There is definitely some type of war; the people won't go down without a fight, but when that fight happens, what would I do? Would I fold under pressure and fight for Voldemort, or would my morals let me fight for what is right? This is incredibly stressful.

I want to fight for what's right so bad, but I know I will be killed. It will be while I can fight for Voldemort, and me and Draco will never be free of this.

He wants to be free of this; I know that, but he loves his mother and will do anything to make her proud, even if that means joining Voldemort for good, and that's what scares me.

Everyone will expect us to join Voldemort; I mean, it's a fair assumption we are death eaters. Thoughts like this consumed my mind for these two days. As the dreaded day arrived, me and Draco arrived at platform 9 3/4 at 7 a.m., an hour before the train was set to leave. We put our trunks into the train and made our way to the Slytherin section of the train that the Slytherins claimed years ago, and the only Slytherin there in our year was Pansy.

"Hey Dracey-poo!" She said, trying to be cute, I couldn't help but gag, and it wasn't fake. She looked at me as if I called her mother a whore or something. Draco stared, dying of laughter, something that didn't happen often. I sat as far away from her as possible.

"What the actual fuck was that? 'DrAcEy-PoO' eww." Draco said, making sure Pansy heard, and she did. She was mad; she was turning a bright red, brighter than a tomato. Me and Draco sat talking and laughing for about half an hour when slowly more and more people showed up. Blaise sat with Pansy, as they were kind of dating, but Blaise knew she was obsessed with Draco. But he was just using her to fuck, and everyone in Slytherin knew it. Once,  when they were in the middle of it, I swear she moaned out Draco's name, 'aHhHHH dRaCo' nasty. She had to get over this obsession she had.

"They're just friends with benefits," I said. "Yeah, yeah, they really are." Draco said. About 20 minutes after Blaise sat down, the train jerked into motion, and I fell asleep on Draco's shoulder. Before I knew it, we were at Hogwarts, and so many people were giving me and Draco dirty looks, knowing that we weren't going to get punished for anything while Snape was the headmaster. Draco told me not to let it bother me, but I couldn't help it. Snape gave an announcement at the start of term that we would walk in a square formation when going to the great hall and only in our respective houses. This year wasn't going to be fun, I thought to myself.

I had every class with Draco, which was really fun, but I don't think it was an accident.

The first one was dark arts. In today's lesson, we practiced the killing curse on spiders and rabbits. Some of the younger students were crying, but I remembered the time I used it on a person, which was the biggest regret of my life. The people at Hogwarts didn't know, not until the Carrows saw me struggling to kill the rabbit.

"What's wrong, Yasmine? You've used this curse before. On Peter, or do you not remember?" They said it at the same time. Everyone's face dropped in shock.

"Watch your fucking mouth, Carrows!" I yelled, and everyone gasped even louder. The Carrows pulled out their wands at the same time, and I did the same, pulling them out of my boot and pointing them at them.

"Do you not remember? You guys are that dumb?" I pointed my wand at them, and their faces got cold and stern quickly as they dropped their wands. A few seconds later, I dropped my wand, putting it back in my boot. I looked around at everyone and saw the look of absolute disgust on their faces. So much for damage control. "Don't look at me like those judgmental bitches," I said as I spread out the class.

Draco didn't hesitate to follow me for a second; it was like instinct. Knowing I wouldn't get punished, I didn't care about walking out.

"What the fuck was that?" He yelled out to me. He had every right to be pissed off, and I did the exact opposite of what I was supposed to do.

"Oh, I'm fucking sorry, did you not hear what they said? Also, they pulled out their wand first; I did nothing wrong; they called me a murderer!" I whispered and yelled.

"Still, you know, we're meant to do damage control, not make it worse, and that's what that just did," he said. I rubbed my face with my hand, letting out a sigh. He was right. If word gets back to Voldemort, I'm dead.

This was going to be a very long fucking day.

Word count: 1019

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now