|T H I R T Y T W O|

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Everyone was quiet. Then Voldemort screamed...

"Harry Potter is Dead"

Ginny screamed and tried to run forward, but her father stopped her, which caused Voldemort to send a wave of magic through the air, creating a giant sound wave. Everyone shut up and stayed still. Me and Draco were standing in the back, trying to stay hidden.

We didn't stand a chance; with Harry dead and the snake still living, Voldemort still had all the power. "Harry Potter is dead! From now on, you put your faith in  me."Voldemort continued to break the silence. "Join or die," giving time for people to step forward. No one did, not Draco or myself.

This must have pissed off Lucius, because he started yelling for Draco. "Draco... Draco!" He yelled. Everyone turned and looked at Draco. His parents had to have worked something out.

He didn't move.

"Draco, come," his mother said. He looked as if he were considering it. "You can't actually be thinking of going over there after everything," I said to him. He turned to me and gave me a look of regret.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he walked through the crowd. "Don't go over there! DRACO!" I started yelling, holding back my tears. He got over to the dead earth, and his mother gave him a hug. "Wise choice, Draco," Voldemort hissed.

"Anyone else? No?... Then prepare to die," he said, raising his wand. "Wait!!" We heard someone yell. There were a lot of gasps as we watched Neville walk forward. There's no way he's giving in after how hard he worked on Dumbledore's army.

"What's your name, young man?" The dark lord was clearly disappointed when he saw Neville limp forward. I still can't tell if he's joining him or not.

"Neville Longbottom," he said, slowly stuttering a bit, and every death eater laughed at him.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we could find a place for you in our ranks." The dark lord said

"I'd like to say something." Neville said, The dark lord looked angry and kind of confused. But surprisingly, he let Neville talk.

"It doesn't matter that Harry died tonight." Neville started but was cut off by Seamus.

"Stand down, Neville!" Seamus yelled.

"People die every day, Seamus!" He yelled, looking at Seamus. I caught a glimpse of Draco looking intensely at Harry, as if he noticed something no one else did.

"Harry may have died tonight, but so did Tonks, Lupin, and Fred, but they're still in us in here," he said, pointing to his heart.

"They didn't die in vain; they died trying to save us! Hero's!" He then looked at the dark lord to talk to him directly.

"But you will! HARRY'S HEART DID BEAT FOR ALL OF US!! ITS NOT OVER!" He said he was pulling out the most surprising thing from the hat he was carrying. It was the sword of Gryffindor. Then, in that moment, Harry jumped out of Hagrid's hands, and without missing a beat, Draco screamed "POTTAH," running back towards the group and throwing his wand at Harry.

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now