|T W E N T Y O N E|

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The moment where we thought the death eaters were gone was short-lived, as I heard Bellatrix's laughter and singing echoing through the halls.

"Oh, we got him; oh,  he's dead! Woo," she's telling me. I quickly see her and Snape running towards us. We lower our wands quickly. Snape grabbed our arms and started rushing us down the stairs and out of the school. At this point, I do not think I'm coming back for my last year.

We are led out to the back of the school near Hagrids, but Bellatrix swiftly used her wand to light it on fire. Draco immediately turned to me.

"Yasmine, what if Hagrid and his dog were in there?" He asked me. "Don't worry, I saw them run out into the woods when we were upstairs," I responded. He nodded. I know that reassurance didn't help much, but it was something.

Draco always talked about how cool Hagrid's dog was, and almost everyone in the school who was over year 1 had respect for Hagrid.

Before I knew it, Bellatrix popped up, grabbing me, and Draco's writs were screaming, "BOO!" And with that, we were brought to the Malfoy Manor to get off the school grounds. Bellatrix seemed to be laughing at herself for the amazing prank she just pulled on us as she walked into the manor. Me and Draco said nothing to anyone, and we just walked upstairs and sat on his bed in complete silence for a bit.

It was the silence that made me realize what we had done tonight. I started tearing up instantly.

"He's dead," I said, breaking the silence. Draco looks over at me. He says nothing.

"It's our fault; it's my fault," I continue. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. "It's not your fault; you know who's fault. Only his," he says, and I lean my head on his shoulder, resting it there and closing my eyes.

"I can't go back; I can't finish the year." I said, and suddenly you hear a knock at the door. I opened my eyes and looked at the door; it was Narcissa.

"I made you guys some tea to warm you up; children should have to do such things," she said. I don't understand how Narcissa ended up in our lives; she seems so kind and genuine. She had treats starting at the corner of her eyes. I could tell right there, and then she wanted nothing to do with this, and she was probably only doing it for Lucious.

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy," I say with a smile.Thanks, "mom," Draco says. She gives us  te and smiles.

"Do we have to go back after what happened tonight?" Draco asked suddenly.

She let out a breath and sat down next to Draco. He grabbed his hand and said, "Given the death of the headmaster and there not being enough time to appoint a new one with a month left in the year, everyone was being given a passing grade, and school will not resume until next year." She paused.

"Snape is being appointed headmaster." she paused again, "and the Carrows are becoming professors." she finished, and my mouth dropped. I bet 100% they are teaching dark arts. She smiled, got up, and walked out. Right away, Draco started speaking. "The Carrows will probably make us use the crusiotus curse in our first years. They are terrible," he said with a cracking voice.

"Why would the Ministry ever allow that? The Carrows are very proud death eaters," I said.

"Death eaters invaded the ministry months ago; my dad told me about it," Draco said, looking even more upset. Your heart sank, and you realized that you can't trust anyone anymore—death eaters in the ministry—that won't end well.

"I just hope Potter isn't stupid enough to come back." I said, Draco looked shocked at your words.

"I thought you hated Potter Yasmine," he said. "I do; it's just that he doesn't deserve to die," I said with a shaking voice. I realized that my hands were shaking. Draco took my tea away from me, put both his and my tea on the table in front of his bed, and he put his hand in mine and held me tight. I rested my head on his shoulder again. But then again. You heard a knock on his door.

Narcissa came into the room for a second time, and this time she was obviously holding back tears.

"There is a celebration party going on downstairs with the death eaters; if you don't want to join, I won't force you, but it might be a good look for the two of you to show up. Also,  I understand you might need each other tonight, so I won't be charming your bed, Dravo, but not funny business in here." She said, Draco said maybe to go to the party, and she walked out again, a smile on her face.

"I can't believe they are celebrating his death." Draco says, "I know it's crazy, it's stupid, and it's embarrassing." I say, he pulls me closer, and we both lay down. I fall asleep with his hand around me and my head on his chest, but suddenly we are awoken to a loud boom. Me and Draco look at each other in confusion. He grabs my hand, and we both rush downstairs to see what happened.

"Don't... you dare... talk about my wife likes that you... stupid. Twat," one said, slurring.

"I'll call her a slut. Iff I want t  too."The other said, slurring, It's like this forgot how to speak English; I didn't know these death eaters, but both me and Draco just ran back upstairs and fell back asleep, completely forgetting what just happened.

The next morning I wake up to see Draco sitting up next to me. He's playing with my hair. "Morning, love," he said in a tired raspy voice. I found it so cute, though. "Morning, babe," I replied. He grabbed my hand, and we both went down for breakfast. Both of us were starving after not being able to eat dinner last night. He made me a cup of tea and also bacon and eggs. It was some of the best bacon and eggs you've ever had.

"Sexy, sweet, and a great cook, I got lucky in the boyfriend department," I said, joking. He laughed and said,

"Beautiful, caring, also a great cook, and also sexy," he paused, looking at me as if he were drinking the sight of me. "I got lucky in the girlfriend department," he said. I laughed and gave him a kiss. Bellatrix came down the stairs and took the rest of the bacon off the stove and the rest of the tea in the pot; thankfully, me and Draco had already finished.

"I didn't see you too at the party; it was fun; you should have come; I could have convinced Cissy to let you too have some drinks," she said in a tone I couldn't really understand.

"We were tired, Auntie," Draco said.

"Well, shame shame, it was really fun," she said before walking off. That woman boiled my fucking blood. I hate her so much.

Word count: 1207

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora