|F I F T H T E E N|

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About a month into summer, me and Draco found out that the vanishing cabinet in Borgerin and Burke's was set on fire, so not only did they have to take care of fire damage, they still had to repair the damage from the dark magic.

Me and Draco were so happy the Dumbledore was still delaying it, but we knew eventually he would have to stop.

Me and Draco were getting ready for bed one night when I looked at him and said,

"I think I want to have a public relationship with you. I'm tired of Pansy and other girls flirting with you in front of me, and I'm tired of seeing you not tell them off. I'm tired of being jealous, not to mention the number of guys flirting with you. I want to go public." I could see him kind of getting nervous at the thought of this; he took a minute to respond, and all I got was a slight

"Ok," he was still very hard to communicate with, so it was shocking. I was really happy, though. I hugged him, and he hugged me back, but I can tell he didn't like the idea of this. But it was only a matter of time before the school noticed and started talking.

It took the death eaters about 3 weeks to fix the fire damage left in the vanishing cabinet. We went to check in on it a couple times, and it looks as though Dumbledore hasn't come back to mess with it anymore, which was concerning. There were only 3 days till we went back to school. Draco and I were laying on his bed one morning. The spell was only effective at night. We figured that out while drunk when his parents were away. We were taking about how much people would talk and how we knew sooner or later we had to let the death eaters in. We got up and decided it was best to start packing. Let's just say I was really excited to get the fuck out of this giant depressing manor. Right as we were heading downstairs, we noticed the dark lord sitting at the head of the table.


He was there to give out more tasks, told me, and drove to just test out the cabinet as best as possible before the idiots who are working on the other one get done.

"Hopefully our new members will be able to repair the cabinet in Borgerin and Burke's," he said in a cold tone. Me and Draco agreed.

We went to bed, and I was so excited to get back to school.

Finally, it was Sunday. Me and Draco grabbed our trunks and owls and went to the train station. I sat with Draco in a private compartment. I held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder, but then Pansy walked past and saw. She threw the door open and started yelling at me.

"What the fuck, Yasmine, you knew Draco was my boyfriend, you whore!" I laughed at her.

"Keep dreaming, pug face; we've been dating since year 4; you were always just too stupid to notice, buh bye," I said. She huffed and walked away, probably to spread some stupid lie. When we got to school, I sat next to Draco. Everything was normal, but I felt someone staring at me. I looked around, and it made sense.


For some reason, he looked like he had just seen a fucking ghost. Yeah, I'm, and Hermione looked at me as if I were here. God obsessed much?" After the sorting of the new first years, me and Draco walked out of the great hall holding hands. When suddenly Harry and his trio ran up to us.

"I knew there was something going on with you too; when did this happen? this summer," Harry said bitterly.

"Actually, Potter, we've been dating since year four," Draco said with a smirk.

He looked so confused.

"Wait, I've been right this whole time?!?" He said as if he had won a prize, "Ron Hermione, you both owe me 10 gallions,"

"You placed bets on us, Potter?" I was about to slap him. "Yeah, Hermione thought you guys would have started dating this summer; Ron thought you were just friends, and I said you've been dating since you guys first met," he said, about to laugh. I wanted to just walk away, but my hands got the best of me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and told him if he didn't start to mind his business, I would make sure he could see for months. He walked away after rolling his eyes, and me and Draco went to the common room, where we sat on the couch and held hands.

The other Slytherins showed up 5 minutes later, and everyone said "oOOoO" to me, and Draco rolled our eyes and laughed at them for being immature. Then Pansy walked in and started crying to blame that Draco cheated on her, and he chose half blood over pure blood. Zabini's face dropped, and he asked Draco if he actually cheated on Pansy, and Draco had to explain that we have been dating for 2 years now. Pansy seemed to get even angrier and threaten me.

Word count: 887

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now