|T H I R T E E N|

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Barley An hour into my sleep, I get a knock on my door. I jump awake as I was in the middle of a nightmare. My brain is focused, and I realize that it was 5 a.m., which means it had to be Draco at the door. I sighed, laying back down in bed. I felt around in the dark for my wand on my nightstand. I must have been talking too long because I heard another knock.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get your wand in a twist," I said. I held up my wand to the door. "Alohomora," I said. With a click, the door was unlocked, and I tried to fall back asleep. The door slowly opened. Draco looked down at me and said,

"Why aren't you up yet?"

"Because I'm still tired."

"We'll, that doesn't matter; we have to leave for the manor. Get up, get packed for the weekend, and get ready. I'll be back at 5:30 so we can leave," he said, switching on my light and then slamming the door.

"Fuck you!" I screamed. That bitch, I rolled my eyes, got up out of bed to start packing, and it only took me 5 minutes. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, put on perfume and deodorant, and got dressed. I check the clock: 5:15 am.

"Are you kidding me? No fuck this, I'm going back to bed," I said to  myself.I was all ready. In 15 minutes, I had to stay away until he came to get me. I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep until 5:30 when I heard Draco barge into my room.

"Up!" He said. I didn't say anything and got up. I grabbed my bag and my wand, and we were off.

"Why did we have to leave the castle at 5:30? You said yesterday it would be at 6," I said, annoyed.

"It's a 20-minute walk to the train at HogsMeade, so it's not technically early," he said.

Smart ass.

"Whatever," I said, nudging him with my shoulder. He smirked. We got on the train at 5:55; Draco was right to leave at 5:30. Once back at King's Cross, we left platform 9 3/4 and looked for a fireplace in a remote part of the train station. We're going to travel by flu powder to the manor. Draco went first. "Malfoy manor," he said clearly. With a burst of green flames, he was gone. He left me just enough powder to follow.

"Malfoy manor," I said in a clear tone as well. We arrived at the fireplace in the dining room. The meeting with the dark lord would take place in a matter of hours. We saw Narcissa waiting at the table.

"Draco! Yasmine. So nice to see you," she said, hugging her son and greeting me with a smile. Lucious Malfoy walked in at just that moment.

"The dark lord will be here in a matter of hours; eat something, then meet us in the dining room. I expect the others will be here shortly," said Lucious Malfoy.

"Ok father." Draco replied. We went to the kitchen, but I wasn't very hungry. Draco ate a bit, but soon the other death eaters started to storm in one after the other. Snape, the bellatrix. So on and so forth. Snape walks into the kitchen with Luscious, and my heart sinks. I hope Snape can keep his mouth shut about what happened with the cabin. They walk out soon after. Draco and I exchange a look of fear, knowing that if Snape talks, We will die.

Me and Draco go up to his room to get into formal clothes. I changed in his bathroom.

For god's sake, he's seen my naked body; why do I have to be awkward like this? After I was done getting ready, I walked out of his bathroom and into his room. I see him sitting in a chair near his window. He can tell I'm worried. He gets up and walks up to me.

"You ok?" He asks.  I give a small smile. And obviously, fake one and just nod.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm ok," he said. Without thinking, I hugged him. I don't know if it's fear of the fact we could die any minute or if it's just that it felt right. No matter what, I went against my better judgment and hugged him. And surprisingly, he didn't push me off; he actually hugged me back. Just then, Narcissa Malfoy walks into his room.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have knocked," she said.

"It's fine, mom," said Draco.

"Yes, well, the dark lord has arrived. You need to go sit down now," she said.

Me and Draco nod. We go downstairs and into the dining room. We sit next to each other. My stomach was turning; I felt like throwing up. The dark lord walked in, being followed by his snake, Nagini. He sat down at the head of the table and started assigning tasks.

Bellatrix LeStrange,

Luscious Malfoy,

Severus Snape,

And then the last two people.

"Since we have two new members among our ranks, I feel we should task them as well," he said. I knew right then and there that I and Draco were about to get tasked. And there was no turning back. We sealed our fate. I shouldn't have become a death eater. God, what was I thinking?

"Draco, Yasmine, Although you have both shown me signs of loyalty in different ways, You are now receiving your first task. Where your loyalty will show no ends If you fail this task or refuse this task, I assume you know the consequences." He paused, giving us a chance to nod.

You must repair the Vanashing Caninet in the room of requirements before the end of the year. Once you complete this, you will then lead the death eaters into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where we will then obtain Harry Potter. The boy who lived," he said. We both nodded, and the meeting ended around an hour after that. He was just going through the room, burning people's hands. Assigning new death eaters

We went back to school on Sunday night. We informed Dumbledore of the task right away, and we kept our promise to Dumbledore. He was shocked and angry understandably so. But he knew he had to hide Harry before the end of the year.

Even tho I hated Harry I don't think he deserved to die. Yeah he was full of himself. Thinking he was better then everyone else but he had also been though a lot had had to carry the weight over Everton in the Wizarding world knowing who he is and expecting him to be so much more then he is.

He didn't deserve to die.

Word count: 1148

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now