|T W E L V E|

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It's been a month since we came back to Hogwarts, and we heard nothing from the dark lord. Things have been awkward with me and Draco until one day he comes and knocks on my door. He said his parents had owled him. The letter read:


You and Yasmine must come to the manor this weekend. The dark lord is coming to give tasks to some death eaters, and he might have one for you two. Be here earlier in the morning. If you don't show up, it could be bad.


I asked Draco what the latter said, and he explained that it was from his mother and that we needed to leave Hogwarts early on Saturday, around 6 a.m.

"6?!?" I said, knowing it was way too early, and he laughed.

"Yeah, the dark lord will be there, assigning tasks. My mother said that there's a possibility that we will be tasked. I just hope Snape doesn't say anything about what he saw. I'm still so confused about why Dumbledore didn't send McGonagall," he said.

"Yeah, it's been bugging me since that day, but I guess we have no choice," I said, and with that, he left my dorm without saying another word.

I woke up Friday morning, got ready, and went down to the great hall for breakfast. The second I walked in, I noticed some people staring, but most thankfully didn't notice me. But I could see Harry and his friends staring. I saw Draco sitting down; he gestured with his head for me to sit across from him. I did. We then went to our classes.

When I got to Potions, I noticed that my partner had changed from Hermione to Harry. Great, death-eater pared with the boy who lived. What could go wrong? Everything. Everything can go wrong.

I haven't seen Potter since I got back, and I've heard Neville say he's been doing things for Dumbledore.

"Wow, Potter is back," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Weren't you and Draco just on some type of honeymoon?" He said, I tried not to laugh at that, but I failed. I let out a giggle.

"Actually, Dumbledore sent us to go get something, but by the time we got there, it was gone. I assume someone else got to it first. I see you and your best buddy Ron were gone together again. Can't go a day without hitting it from behind?" I said, I heard Fred and George Weasley burst out into laughter, pointing it at their brother.

"Shut up," Harry said in a very angry tone. Man, this dude has a short temper.

"Aweeeee, Harry, are you on your period? I got extra pads and tampons if you want them. Girls helping girls, you know?" I said it with a very sarcastic tone. This time, not only were the Weasley Twins laughing, but Ron was too. Harry takes the stick he was storing the potion with and throws it at me. He hits my face, and I notice a bunch of wounds start to show up around my eye. I was pissed, but wrongs don't make right; actually, they do.

"Petrificus Totalus," I yelled. The room went quiet when they noticed Harry was petrified, and Ron and the twins stopped laughing. And Snape raised his voice, asking why I would petrify Harry.

"Are you kidding? Do you not see my face? He was stirring the potion with his stick. Now I'm going to have to go to the nurse. Prettifying him doesn't hurt," I said. Snape agreed and told me to undo the spell. I did

One girl in the class hid behind her boyfriend; my god, I didn't hurt him. With that, I stormed out of the class and went to their nurse.

When she was with me, she looked shocked.

"Merlin's sake, what happened?" she said.

"Accident in potions," I said. She healed me, and I went to transfiguration. I sat beside Draco again and told him what happened. He was shocked but laughed at it, and I couldn't help but laugh too. We just had to copy notes today. It was boring. Soon we were dismissed for lunch. I was happy because I was starving. It was a normal lunch before Harry and his trio came up to me.

"Why the bloody hell did you petrify me?" He asked angrily

"Because Potter, you pissed me off; you thought a potion stuck at my face and seemed to think I would do nothing about it? You know, you may be one of the most well-known wizards in the world, but you aren't royalty, Harry. You really expect someone to not get upset at that?" I said. I got up and walked out to the commons room, and when I fell down onto the couch, I was exhausted. Mentally and physically.

I decided to ditch the rest of the day and spend my time in the common room. Soon enough, it was time to head to dinner. Umbridge makes another stupid speech, then the school heads off to do whatever. I decided to head back to the common room. I felt anxiety building up thinking of tomorrow. It took about 4 hours for me to be able to fall asleep.

Word count: 881

Our Dirty Little Secret |18+ Draco Malfoy Fanfic| *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now