Chapter 11

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Nikki and I entered the arena together,  walked to the Divas lockerroom, and watched some of the show in there.
We left after about thirty minutes and walked to catering.
We sat at our usual table and watched more TV.
I checked my phone and jumped on Nikki's lap excitedly, "We have a match together!"
"We haven't had one since your training!" She squealed with just as much excitement.
I sat back on my chair and we watched Raw for a little longer. After about an hour I decided I should call out Summer before our match. It's me and Nikki against Summer and Emma.
I walked to the gorilla and my music blasted through the arena.
The crowd was on their feet cheering for me.
I smiled at them all and took a deep breath, taking everything in.
I couldn't fight the grin that began to form on my face.
"Summer, if you're watching this, I just want to let you know how excited I am for our match right now! And tonight, my teammate is the beautiful Nikki Bella!" I roared into the microphone which made the crowd cheer.
"So Summer, how about you come out here so we can catch up!" I suggested fakely.
I waited a bit and walked around the ring until her music played.
"Summer!" I smiled fakely, "Long time no see huh?"
"It's been a week. And quite frankly, it's been one of the best weeks of my life!" She said.
"Yes it has been a week, but I've had a lot of time to think Summer. You've made a big mistake with getting on my bad side. And the next time I face you in a singles match, I will be your Divas champion." I said.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself. You still have to beat Aj, and I'm not sure if you can," she smirked.

"I know I can beat Aj," I began, before she cut me off, saying, "So, you ready to lose?" 

"Don't you ever interrupt me again," I sneered, "You know I'm getting tired of interracting with the only total divas reject on the roster," I harshly spoke into the microphone, "So let's get the other divas out here so we can start the match up for real." 
Nikki came out and received a bunch of cheers from the crowd. We hugged and I stood on the apron. Then Emma came out and did her little dance.

 We both agreed that Nikki would start the match against Emma.
They battled it out and Nikki took control. She delivered a wicked forearm to Emma, but Emma got up. Nikki went for a clothesline, but she ducked and tripped Nikki. They both got up at the same time, ready to spar. Nikki easily overpowered her and pushed her down, picking her up and bodyslamming her.

She went for the pin but Emma kicked out at two. Nikki got up and Emma was slow to her feet, but when Nikki went for a clothesline Emma ducked it and kicked her in the back of the knee, causing Nikki to fall to her knees. While on her knees, she crawled to our corner. Emma barely made it to the ropes in time to tag Summer in.

Nikki held her hand out for me tag. I happily slapped her hand and got in the ring.
I waved to Summer and she tried to run to Emma, but I grabbed her arm and catapulted her into our corner. I delivered kicks to her stomach and waited for her to get out the corner. I delivered a roundhouse kick and covered her, but she kicked out at two.
She slowly got up and I hit a pair of neckbreakers.

While she was down, I climbed to the top tope and hit a hurricanrana. Choosing not to pin, I waited for her to get up so I could uppercut her an hit the "Kiss Goodbye."
After about five minutes, she slowly got up and I speared her again.
*ding ding ding
Nikki got in the ring and held my hand up. We walked up the ramp together and both had big grins on our faces.
"Great job, partner." I told her in a fake southern accent.
Nikki laughed at me as we went our separate ways.
"Ella!" I heard someone call.
I ignored the voice and kept walking.
The person caught up to me and tapped on my shoulder.
"Hi, Ella." Dean said with a smirk on his face.
"You should go check on your girlfriend. I might've broken her nose." I told him.
He laughed at my comment and said, "Oh I watched the match, and I enjoyed every second of it."
"Goodbye, Dean." I told him as I started walking away.
"Bye, princess." He told me with an amused grin on his face.

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