Part Twelve

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Sirius woke up thrashing in his bed, a cold sweat covering his body. He knew his nerves about the Quidditch game against Ravenclaw he would be playing in a couple hours. But that's not what his dream had been. Though the more he properly woke up the more the details of his dream slipped away, some imagines stayed burned in his mind.

His mother had been laughing though laughing really wasn't the right word for it. It was more of a cold evil cackle. His brother had been dressed in all black robes, and Sirius only knew it was him when he ripped a distorted mask off his face. His parents cheered when he did so. The only other thing Sirius remembered was a large snake coiling around his body.

He took some deep breathes before sitting up. He was worried he had woken his friends but there was no movement in the dormitory, and Peters snored echoed as they usually did. However when his eyes scanned over Remus' bed he realized the curtain was drawn and the bed empty.

Sirius checked the time and as expected it was the middle of the night. And concerned forced Sirius out of bed, and he whispered.


To Sirius' surprise he heard a light rap on the window and looked over to see Remus sitting out on the ledge, a cloud of smoke surrounding him. There was a small sort of balcony that, though they weren't suppose to, the boys sat on occasionally. They didn't that often though, Peter refused to, as he wasn't big on heights and there was no barrier to stop him falling. And Sirius, and James rarely used it as it was too small for them to both sit without basically being on top of each other. Sirius however was curious as to what Remus was doing, so he wandered over to window opened it and climbed out.

Two sensations hit Sirius immediately. The first was the cold. It was only a few days before Halloween and the chill of October could be felt during the day and at night without the sun and with a friece wind it was freezing. The second was a smell. Sirius was sure he hadn't smelt it before, and also wasn't sure if he liked it. It had a strong earthy tone to it, and it seemed to be attached to the smoke incircling Remus.

The ledge was so small Sirius sat with his legs over Remus circled up a little. Remus' longer legs hang off the end of the balcony. Once Sirius was settled Remus reaches behind him and closed the window.

"What is this?" Sirius said waving his hand at the smoke.

Remus raised his hand and Sirius saw for the first time the cause of the smoke.

"Ohh I know this one. It's a muggle thing. I've seen people smoking them in Kingscross, and I read about it in Muggle studies. A cigarette right?" Sirius said a little smug.

"Sort of" Remus said with a light chuckle at Sirius attitude. "Those usually have Tabacoo in it. This has Weed."

Remus raised it to his lips, and Sirius found himself completely entranced. Remus cheeks howled out as he took a deep breath in. As he held the smoke in his lungs tipping his head back before releasing the smoke with a puff above him. Sirius was sure he had never felt anything that made him feel the way watching that moment had. And he had to tear his eyes away.

"It relaxes you" Remus said.

"Why do you need relaxing?" Sirius asked quietly. Worried he was distributing Remus peace. But Remus still seemed relaxed taking another long drag from his cigarette.

Remus waved his hand up at the moon, and Sirius realized how large it was. Since finding out his friends secret Sirius had become so aware of the moon cycle. But he knew he would never be as aware as Remus was, whose whole life was define by the stupid thing.

"I'm sorry" Sirius said, but Remus merely shrugged clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Why are you up?" Remus asked looking at him with slightly red but still knowing eyes.

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