Part Twenty-Two

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"Remy" a kind voice said with a knock on the door, before it was pushed open. Remus uncurled his legs from under him and and sat up straight, putting his book down next to him. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"Thanks Mum" Remus replied watching as she hesitated by the door so he added "Anything else?"

"I'm just wondering if you're alright? You've been shut away all the holidays, and it's Christmas Eve you should be happy, kids love Christmas." She said looking concerned.

"Mum Im not 6 I'm not a kid waiting to hear Father Christmas on the roof." He said "but yes I'm fine. I just had lots of studying to do."

He glossied over the part of how he knew each time his parents looked at him all they saw were scars and the werewolf lurking within.

"Okay. Well this came for you." She walked into the room and handed him two envelopes "I hate owls." She muttered as she walked off.

He instantly reckonized the writing on each envelope both were messy but the first had large swooping letters that were obviously James, and the second hand a tighter curved letters that were Sirius'. For a second Remus' hand lingered on the top of Sirius' letter ready to rip it open, but nerves of took him so he decided to start with the other.

Dear Moony,

I know technically we didn't specify how many letter you had to write.  but I have to say I'm disappointed in your measly one. Anyways I hope this reaches you by Christmas. Padfoot and I have been having a grand time but we wish you were here. We've got some pranks planned so we can have a notable return to Hogwarts. If everything goes according to plan we could be in detention everyday for a month (we've given up on not getting caught). We will need your help though, with the smart people part. Anyways Moony we wish you were here, and I hope desperately when we return to Hogwarts we can return to normal.

Prongs AKA your most handsome friend

Remus smiled at the letter, clutching it tight in his hand. He had sent another letter to James, and Sirius only the day previously upping his letter count to a measly two, but it must not have made it by the time the had written these. He wondered if things could return to normal, or what normal even is anymore. He guessed it would depend on what was in the other letter. Apart of him wondered if reading it was just exposing himself to more pain but as he looked at his own name in Sirius' messy sprawl he couldn't help it.

Dear Moony,

I wish you were here. The Potters house is insane. It manages to both be big and grand but still warm and welcoming, a feet my parents house never even got close to. It has a huge library that I can just imagine you curling up in with a book. Maybe this summer you can come and stay for a week or so as well. Everything is lovely, the Potters have lots of Christmas traditions, and we've been very busy playing games, and even went flying a couple times despite the cold. It's all great, but I wish you could be here too. See it all yourself. And I wish I could see you. I can't say too much here Moony, as James is a bloody nosy prick who won't stop reading over my shoulder, but I hope we can talk once we get back to school. Happy Christmas Remus.

Remus poured over the letter twice trying to figure out what each word meant. Was it bad that Sirius wanted to talk. Their last talk hadn't exactly gone swimmingly, but Remus would be lying if he didn't admit he wanted to be alone with Sirius. To talk to him. To figure out what was really going on. He took the letter and folded it and slipped it away into the top draw of his desk. It wasn't long till he'd see him again.


"What are you doing?" Mrs Potter's voice was never stern but as she looked up and down at Sirius standing balanced on James' shoulder it certainly was concerned.

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