Chapter ~ 14 Coming Close

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Karn: Ok. so Dhruv go and teach nia sword fighting. 

Dhruv: Ji Angraj.

Manvi: But nia if you will go with Dhruv, then I will be left alone.

Nia: Oh yes, then you will get bored all alone. (after thinking for a moment) oh, I got an idea!!

Manvi: what idea??

Nia: Manvi I know that you love archery and one of the best archers of aryavart is sitting just beside you. Angraj Karn, he will teach you archery.

Karn wanted to talk to Manvi so he said yes but Manvi was hesitating. Nia and Dhruv tried convinced manvi a lot but all in vain. At last, Karn spoke.

Karn: Manvi don't you trust me??

Manvi: oh yes Karn I do trust you but...

Karn: Then ok, I want you in the practice room in 15 mins.

Manvi: (with a smile) ok then.

*all of them left*

On the way to the practice room

Dhruv: Are you kidding me?? why do you want to learn sword fighting from me ??

Nia: I wanted to learn sword fighting, but I didn't know that you are the best sword fighter here. If I knew that I would have never asked (in anger).

Dhruv: Ok ok let's go.

Nia: where??

Dhruv: To teach you sword fighting. 

Nia: there is no need for that. I don't want to learn that.

*Nia turned to go when Dhruv held her hand*

Dhruv: Angraj has ordered me something and that is to teach you sword fighting. I can't deny his order.

Nia: But I said na, I don't want to!

Dhruv: What's your problem??!!

Nia: you!!

Dhruv: what? just stop all your nonsense and come with me I will just teach you the basics.

Nia didn't want to but she has to go with Dhruv because she was the one who has asked for it

*In the practice room*

Dhruv: so (holding one sword) pick one for yourself.

Dhruv thought that nia wouldn't be able to pick up the sword but she picked it up very easily

Nia: no need to be shocked ok. I used to go to the gym every day in kalyug.

Dhruv: what? where did you use to go??

Nia: A gym is a place where people do workout and make themselves fit.

Dhruv: But you are a girl!?

Nia: In kalyug both girls and boys do workout to make themselves fit, and fitness shouldn't be dependent on gender. Everyone should be strong!

Dhruv: Yeah, you are right but why don't you workout here??

Nia: Cause if I will run in the garden here wearing my gym suit, mata will surely get a heart attack. (she said laughing)

Dhruv: Why?? what kind of clothes you used to wear at that time?

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