Chapter ~ 23 Sealed With a Kiss

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Letting go of her hand he gently ran his finger through her hairs, then rested his hand on either side of her face. her whole body tensed as she tried to figure out what was happening. He leaned in closer until their noses were touching. Her heart was going wild in her chest. she tried to calm her racing heart but it was pointless. Her breath hitched as he leaned in.

Nia: Oh god, I know where this is going. our faces are just inches apart. there's never been this little space between us.

she watched as his head slowly tilted and he leaned forward capturing her in a kiss.

As their lips met she subconsciously pulled him closer and wrapped her hands behind his neck caressing his hairs.

They were standing alone in the whole forest, behind a tree, all drenched in rain. the kiss was slowly going deeper and messier. She tried to resist but every movement of her body was against her mind.

Nia: He deepened the kiss and I was unable to resist him. oh god, I'm going to regret this. we are mere friends and I can't even think about the future. all I know is I am standing here allowing him to kiss me.

Dhruv: I really don't know why am I doing this. I mean we are just friends and I shouldn't be doing this but I lose my control over myself whenever I see her. she is just so beautiful.

They broke the kiss only when they were entirely breathless. Both of them were breathing heavily.

They realized what they were doing a few seconds ago. They couldn't meet each other's gaze after that kiss. They were looking everywhere except at each other. They were quiet when Dhruv chose to break the silence.

Dhruv: the rain has stopped, let's go or else we will get late. (he spoke this trying to make everything seem normal.)

saying this he moved towards the chariot without waiting for an answer. Nia quietly followed him.

They reached the palace and directly went into their chambers.

in Manvi and Nia's chamber

Manvi: Nia where were you both and why are you drenched in rain??

Nia didn't answer her as she was thinking only about that kiss.

Nia didn't answer her as she was thinking only about that kiss

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Manvi: Nia!! where are you lost?

Nia: oh nothing!! I have to tell you something.

Manvi: ok first go inside and change your clothes or else you will catch a cold.

Nia went inside and changed herself in nightclothes and on the bed beside Manvi.

Manvi: so yeah tell me what happened?? is he still angry with you. did anything happen in the forest?? answer me nia!!

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