Chapter ~ 26 Recalling Past

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At night

In nia and manvi's chamber

Nia: Dhruv is being too weird nowadays, he was taking that Vaibhav's side!!

Manvi: Nia, did you forgot what you have done??

Nia:(laughing) yeah but she deserved what I did. Vaise, on a second thought I am kind of enjoying that Vaibhavi's presence, she is just like the vamps in tv serials.

Manvi:(laughing) yeah our life is not less than a typical Indian tv serial, full of drama!!


when vaibhavi and  Dhruv reached the palace

Vaibhavi: that Nia, Dhruv did you saw what she has done today and that day also while coming to Hastinapura this was all her planning...

Dhruv: Sona, stop it now, I am already not in a mood to talk!! you took me to the market forcefully, now please stop accusing nia and leave me alone for some time!!

vaibhavi: ok fine sit alone!!

Dhruv: (in his mind) I'm really sorry Nia, but now I am going to make it up for you with a beautiful surprise and you are going to remember this your whole life. but for that, I need to talk to Manvi.

He goes to her chamber. Nia was sleeping very cutely. He saw her and was lost in Nia and manvi was looking at them.

manvi: you know what Dhruv, you both are a pair made in heaven!!

Dhruv blushes at her comment.

Dhruv: I know manvi. our match is made in heaven and she is the angel of heaven!!

manvi: ok ok now stop blushing. here? this time, something important??

Dhruv: oh yeah, actually I wanted your help.

manvi: help?? what kind of help??

he whispers something to manvi. after listening to her she jumps in excitement.

manvi: really Dhruv?? that's the only good decision you have taken in your life.

Dhruv: yess really!! but this is not the only good decision I have taken in my life.

manvi: now leave all this, let's go !!

Dhruv: yeah!! this day is going to be the most memorable day!!

they went into a room and worked till morning.

Manvi: It's almost done Dhruv. only the final touch is left.

Dhruv: (yawning) yeah thank god everything is done on time!! all because of you, thank you so much manvi!!

Manvi: Aaj see no manvi only sali sahiba. ok jiju??

Dhruv blushed at her comment

Manvi: ok now stop blushing I am very sleepy so I'm going. bye!

Meanwhile, in Nia and Manvi's chamber 

Nia was sleeping but she had a frown on her face.

*In her dream*

"Someone was shouting, screaming, someone was crying a car came and... "

"what I have done!! this is a crime" she said in a crying tone.

Scene Change

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