Chapter 2

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When the bell for lunch goes everyone packs their things and are out of the class before Mr. Gomez even finishes his sentence about todays homework. Lan waits next to my table as I pack all of my things into my backpack and stand up, he grabs my backpack, swings it over his shoulder, then he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the class and into the hallway filled with teens rushing to get food into their starving systems. Lan tells me about the football game coming up this Friday and what time he will be coming around to fetch me, since I always go to his games, while we walk to the schools cafeteria. When we reach our usual table, Lan places our bags on the floor and walks off to the long line of teens buying food. I take out my cucumber sandwich and the apple I packed this morning. While some of Lans friends fill the table around me, sending me small smiles or a wave of greeting which I return, before I indulge myself with my usual past time of people watching in this shit place as I start looking around the cafeteria. Our school has some of the normal cliché groups, and then some groups that are so random its hard to understand how they came to be. As my eyes drift over the different tables they land on the empty table in the far-right corner with the normal three chairs waiting for their regular occupants. As if on cue the cafeteria doors swing open with one hell of a bang making me, along with a few others jump, one girl even let out a small scream because of fright. "You fucking dickbag! This time I'm going to kill you!" Brandon Reems voice is the first thing everyone hears after the bang. Everyone in the cafeteria turns to see what is going on. Brandon is holding his nose while shouting at someone, who by the sound of things, is laughing his ass off. Charlie Stewart comes through the open door next holding his stomach with a few tears streaming down his face as he laughs at a very angry Brandon. "Oh man, that was fucking beautiful!" He yells before falling into another crazy fit of laughter, making an already angry looking Brandon even more mad. "Dude, if he kicks your ass one day, everyone will know you thoroughly deserved it." Is the next voice, the last piece of the trio. Keith Rose walks in with an easy smile on his face pushing Charlies face away and moving towards their table with a furious looking Brandon following him. Charlie as if realizing their walking sobers up and starts to follow them, with a few chuckles still managing to escape. "Ah come on, you heard him, he slammed a door into a girls face, I had to defend her honour and slam his face into the door." Charlie replies, once again laughing. "It was an accident you moron! I didn't mean to hit her with the door, why on earth would I do that on purpose?!" Brandon all but screams at Charlie, who despite Brandon's murderous glare, is still laughing. Keith cracks a small smile as he stares between his two best friends. Keith is definitely the peacekeeper between the three, I think to myself as I watch them interact. He is the tallest out of the three of them which, since they are all about six foot and up is saying something, maybe 63 from what I can guess. He has dark chocolate brown curly hair and the lightest pair of grey eyes I've ever seen. He plays on the same football teams as Lan, and from what I hear he is a pretty chill guy, gets along with everyone, but is only close to Brandon and Charlie. Charlie is clearly the jokester out of the three friends, he is about the same length as Brandon but not as built, I know he runs track, so he has more of a lean frame than extreme muscle tone. He has kind of long light brown hair, almost blonde and light blue eyes, he has a bright smile, and he always seems to be smiling. Keith just sighs as the they make their way to their usual table at the back of the cafeteria. When they all sit down Keith asks. "Did you at least apologize to the girl? The one you smacked with the door?" While he turned to Brandon, "Of course I apologized, I'm not that big of an asshole." He replies looking at his friend with a frown on his face. "I don't fucking believe it, you actually apologized to another human being?" Charlie replies with a mock surprised look on his face. While he might pretend to be shocked, the rest of the students in the cafeteria, who are still watching the three of them were genuinely surprised by the news. Brandon, as if just realizing everybody is staring at them sends a glare across the cafeteria. "What the fuck are you all looking at?" He asks and almost at once everyone turns back to what they were doing, and the normal chatter fills the previous silence.

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