Chapter 6

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When we get to The Ring, Gerry automatically goes to the next warehouse and taps on the door for it to open so that we can park inside. When we get out of the car, I quickly walk around to give Gerry a hug while Mark locks the car. Hi Gerry. I say with a bright smile as I pull away from the smiling man. Hi sweetie. Mr Forest, Landon. He shakes their hands as they come to join us. Enjoy your night guys, see you later. He says with a small smile before we start towards the back entrance of The Ring. Lan swings an arm over my shoulder as we silently follow Mark inside. I heard Spade is fighting again tonight. Mark says as we walk through the kitchen. Maurice and Danny are challenging him a bit, giving him three fights tonight, to see what he can do. Theyre thinking of recruiting him for the tournament. Mark continues. Im not surprised. I answer with a small shrug. With how he handled last night, I knew it was only a matter of time before they really took interest. I didnt expect it so soon though. The tournament being held in a months time is not just a normal one, where everyone can join as they please. With this specific one, the fighters are personally asked to join. They also have a sponsor, usually one of the big boys, as we call them. This type of tournament is held once every year and it establishes the best of the best. Sixteen of the most respected men in The Rings circle chooses a fighter to represent them in the tournament, which means sixteen of the best underground fighters face off against each other over a course of a week. The winner gets a grand price of 25 000 dollars. It is a sequins of the best fights and big sums of money that gets thrown around with bets on each fight. For the fighters, its a case of winning for the money, as well as obvious bragging rights, while it is more of a pissing contest between the big boys, to see who has the best fighter. These old men are like little boys, showing of their most shiny toy, trying to convince their peers why it is the best toy around. The next few weeks all the big boys, will be scouting their fighter of choice, and the fighters know this. Which is why the fights leading up to the tournament are almost as exciting as the tournament itself. Do you have your eye on someone for this year, Mark? Landon asks as we walk into the main room where a fight is already going on, its still early so there isnt a lot of people yet. No, not yet. I want to see what this Spade has to offer, but I also heard Axe and Devil have been having a few good weeks. Mark replies as we walk towards the stairs, where Matt is already standing. Hi Matty. I say with a big smile as I run up to hug this gentle giant. Well hello there, Sugar. I see you brought friends tonight. He smiles as he looks over my shoulder at the two men standing behind me. Hello Mr. Forest. Matt says shaking Marks hand and then turning to Lan sticking his hand out as well. Lan, how are you, havent seen you in a while. Matt says with a small smile. Yeah, Ive been a bit busy. Landon says while shaking Matts hand. Well enjoy your night, Sugar you know whos name to yell if something happens. Matt says with a serious expression on his face as he steps aside and allows us to walk up the stairs. I just smile in return as I follow Mark to the second floor, with Landon behind me. When we reach the top I smile at a few familiar faces while I scan the room. By a quick guess I say about 8 of the big boys are already here tonight as we make our way over and greet everyone. Before Mark even sits down a glass with his favourite amber liquid is placed on his table before him. I repress a little sigh as I turn towards Maurice who stands up to give me a hug. Hi Ray, sorry I missed you last night. I was downstairs talking business with a few new fighters we have joining. He says after letting me go and shaking Landons hand. All good Maury. Seems like this years tournament is turning out to be quite exciting if we have a few new comers already. I say with a small smile as we take our seats, I sit down next to Maury who has Mark on his other side, while Landon takes the seat next to me, already focused on Tania, a busty blonde waitress with big brown eyes and plump red lips. The uniform, consisting of a tight black tank top with the word The Ring in cursive across the bust, and the short high waisted leather shorts, shows off her curvaceous figure nicely. She is about a year or two older than I am, maybe twenty and around 58ft in her black strappy heels. After Landon orders two beers for the two of us she shoots him one last flirty wink before walking off, swaying her hips more than what seems natural. Yeah, Spade really impressed last night taking Brawler down like that, I put him up for three fights tonight. I want to see what he can do against different types of opponents. Maurice replies while taking a sip of the Scotch in his hand. Maurice is about 58 years old, but no push over old man. He comes from big family money and also has a very successful marketing business. Wealth practically radiates off him, but he doesnt go out of his way to show it off. Simple things, like the overly expensive watch on his wrist of the crazy expensive Scotch he drinks are the only real indication that the man clad in a pair of worn blue jeans and a dark green sweater has more money in his bank account than most people will ever see in their lives. He is quite intimidating at first with his black hair, which is turning grey at the sides. He is about 59ft still quite fit for his age, his deep green eyes are small and observant, and his presence demands attention. He doesnt take shit from anybody and he makes no secret of that, but he looks after the people he cares about, and is fiercely loyal, and expects his loyalty in return. Crossing a man like Maurice will not be a smart choice. Who chooses first this year? I ask as Tania places a beer in front of me, I shoot her a small smile of thanks before returning my attention to Maurice. We havent pulled names yet, I thought about doing it tonight once everyone has arrived. He says with a shrug. Id like to get it out of the way, I want at least two weeks with my fighter before the tournament, so Im hoping we choose next week. Every year, pieces of paper with the numbers 1 through 16 are placed in a bag, and the Big Boys all take turns to pull a number seeing who gets to choose their fighter first. Its the only way everyone agreed was fair. "Is everyone set to come tonight? I ask looking around, a couple more people showed up, but I am guessing there is still about six men missing. Yes, I told them I want to do the draw tonight. We still have a week to analyse the fighters and pick our main one along with a few backups in case someone chooses the one you want before you get your turn. He says with a shrug. When is your next fight? He asks with a small smile. I have a few lined up for after the tournament but until then Im just watching. I reply with a small shrug.

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