Chapter 25

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The rest of the week goes by uneventful Landon has been leaving me alone and Brandon has won every fight he had so far. It's Friday today and I am on my way to The Ring with Mark. Mark's fighter Shield surprised the fuck out of everyone and is now facing Brandon in tonight's final. I am kind of torn because I want Mark's fighter to win, but I also want Brandon to win. When we reach The Ring, the place is already packed with people coming to watch the final, there is a certain buzz in the air as I take the hand Gerry offers me before getting out of the car. I was wearing a tight high waisted black leather skirt that reached about mid-thigh, with a flowing olive-green crop top and matching green thigh high, high heel boots. My cropped black leather jacket is in my arms and I have a small black purse hanging off my shoulder. My hair is tied in a braided messy bun on top of my head with a few loose hairs framing my face. There are still a few bruises from my fight with JH so my foundation is applied to cover it and I putt on some eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes pop, Walking out of the parking warehouse, Jackson immediately falls into step next to me causing me to smile. "Hi Jackson." I state brightly giving him a smile. "Hello Miss Johnson, Mr. Forest." Mark just gives him a nod as we walk into the back door. "Ray!" I turn around as Layla comes barrelling towards me crushing me in a tight hug, Jackson quickly places his big hand on my back steading me as I hug Layla back. "It feels like I haven't seen you in so long!" She exclaims when she pulls away from me. "Jeez its only been a week." I beam laughing. "One of these days Jackson is not going to react in time, and you'll have me landing on my ass." I say still laughing causing her to blush. "Raylan." I turn towards Mark before sending Layla a small smile. "I have to go, but I'll see you before I leave okay." I state as I give her another hug before making my way towards Mark and out of the kitchen. "Hi Matt." I say grinning at the big man when we reach the stairs. "Hi Sting, Mr. Forest. Sting your friends already arrived a few minutes ago, and they just went up." He says causing me to smile. The big boys quickly warmed up to Charlies bubbling personality and Keiths laid back one. They came to the rest of the week's fights and sat with me each time. "Thanks, Matty." I say grinning at him as we make our way upstairs. "Tiny!" I hear Charlie exclaim before I am lifted off the ground causing Mark to laugh, he won't admit it, but he has kind of developed a liking in Charlie's quirkiness, while Maury prefers Keith as Charlie tends to get a bit much. I wonder how Mark will react when he sees Charlie drunk cry for the first time, I think to myself stifling a giggle as Charlie puts me back on my feet. "Hi Charles." "Hi Ray." I turn towards Keith before pulling him for a quick hug. "You guys go sit; I just want to say hello to everyone quickly." I smile as I pull away before making my way over to where the big boys are sitting. Maurice quickly stands up, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he grins at the big boys. "Now Ray, tell your dad that your good friend Spade is going to kick Shield's ass." He exclaims loudly while Mark just raises an eyebrow at me, challenging me to go against him. "Nope, I am staying out of this. Whoever wins, will make me happy." I state staying neutral, not willing to go against Mark or Brandon. Some of the boys laugh while Maury just lets out a groan. "Ah, the fine feeling of disappointment, you had a good run kid, now I have to find a new favourite." Causing me to laugh. "You know you'll never replace me old man." I wink making him grin. "Gentlemen, may the best fighter win." I state before giving a small bow and leaving them to argue further as u make my way over to Charlie and Keith who are talking to Jenna. "Hi Ray." She states when she sees me. "Hi Jen." "What can I get you guys tonight? Maurice said its on the house since your best friend is winning the tournament for him tonight." Jenna states with a small laugh. "I'll have the chicken tacos please, with a beer." Charlie states after a while, Jenna smiles turning to Keith. "I'll have that BigAssBurger and a beer as well, thanks." When Jenna looks towards where I am standing behind the sofa the guys are sitting on, she gives me a smile. "A beer and the small Mac n cheese?" She asks causing me to grin and give her a nod. "Yeah thanks. No, problem, you look absolutely stunning by the way." She beams as she turns and walks towards the stairs, I just yell a small thanks in her direction and smile when I hear her laugh. "Damn, she's right." I look down towards Charlie before walking to the next sofa and placing my bag and my jacket on it. "You look really nice, Ray." I smile at the guys before another person wraps their arms around my waist. I find myself consumed by his familiar scent and lean back into his chest. "You look good enough to eat." Jake whispers softly in my ear before kissing the space below my ear causing a shiver to run through my body as I turn in his arms to face him. "Hi." I mutter breathlessly he was wearing a pair of black jeans and a dark blue button up shirt with his black converse sneakers. "Hi, baby." He states softly before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips before leading me over to the sofa next to Charlie and Keith, after greeting them he sits down and pulls me close to his side. When Jenna comes, she places four beers on the table next to the sofa before asking Jake what he wanted to eat. "I'll have the spicy nachos, thanks." Jake answers before handing the menu back to her. After promising the food will be ready in a few minutes she walks off again. "I'm so excited!" I exclaim bouncing in my seat causing Jake to laugh. "Do you think he's going to win?" "I don't know Sunshine, I hope he does, but you can never be sure. I'm willing to bet that Mark was training Shield himself, that's why Shield made such a big improvement, and Mark was basically unstoppable when he was younger, so we'll see." "Oh of course he trained him." I exclaim thinking about it. That's why he was so calm when Shield lost a few weeks before the tournament started. "I can't believe I didn't see that." I felt like faceplanting while Jake just laughs. "So, were all good for after the fight?" Charlie asks looking over at me and Jake and I smile in his direction. "Yeah, were heading to Andrews place, Jodi already called me and told me they are leaving the house at about eight. Depending on how long the fight takes, we should be there at about 10o'clock." Charlie just shoots me a huge grin before turning to face Jenna as she returns with our food. "Don't you ever get tired of Mac n cheese?" I turn towards Keith while taking a bite of this cheesy deliciousness. "Not really." I reply with a shrug causing him to laugh. When we are done eating the announcement goes that the final will be starting in ten minutes and once again, I am bouncing in my seat. "Oh, come on! You have to be more excited than that!" I exclaim looking at Jake who is just sitting with his legs crossed looking at me with a small smile. "I am excited!" He protests but I just shake my head at him. "No, Charlie is excited, you are just sitting there looking like a fine piece of calm meat." I state bluntly before covering my mouth with my hand as Jake, Keith and Charlie all burst out laughing. "Sunshine, how much have you drunk tonight?" Jake ask with a small smile on my face that makes my insides feel warm. "I don't know." I shrug before standing up and leaning against the rail when the start announcing the fighters. "She was throwing back tequila shots with her dad and some of the other men, I don't know how her small frame takes all that but she is handling it like a pro." I turn around to face Keith with an exasperated look on my face. "Do you notice everything?" He just laughs lightly while shrugging one of his shoulders as they stand up and walk towards me when they announce Brandon into the ring. "This is it baby!!c 25000 dollars!" I hear Charlie shout from the other side of Keith causing me to laugh. I turn towards Jake when he stands next to me with a small smile on his face as he looks out towards the ring. "You really care about him hey?" He glances in my direction before looking back to the ring. "Yeah I mean he is my brother I kind of have to." "You know that's not what I mean." I say lightly bumping my shoulder against his side. "Yeah baby, I really care about him, he's the only real family I have left, I used to be so worried about him always being so angry all the time, but he has been doing a lot better lately, and he is becoming the old Brandon I once knew and it's nice." Jake finishes with a nonchalant shrug causing my grin to stretch even more. "You are amazing do you know that?" I ask as I wrap my arm around his waist while staring up at him, "Thanks baby." He places a small kiss in my lips, and we pull away as the fight start.

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