Chapter 14

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School was quiet, I covered the handprint on my face with foundation, but I still got a few looks from people. Other than that, though they let me be. I was on my way home now with Landon a bit earlier than usual cause football practice was cancelled since the coach had an emergency at home. "Kitchen!" Mama J yells as soon as we step inside causing me to grin before making my way over to her. "Hey Mouse" She says giving me a hug. "Hi Mama" I beam before stepping back allowing Lan to give his mom a kiss on the cheek. "I have homework to finish but Mouse said she wants to talk to you." Lan states and both of them turn to stare at me each raising an identical eyebrow. "Yes, I want to talk to her, so you may go. Thank you very much." I state all but pushing him out the kitchen. "Relax, relax I'm going!" Lan laughs as he makes his way towards the staircase after grabbing an apple from the bowl on the kitchen island. "What's going on Mouse?" Mama J asks with a hint of concern in her eyes. I wind my hands together for a moment before looking up at her eyes, unsure how to start the conversation. She must have realized I'm a bit apprehensive because she gave me a soft smile. "Come I'll pour us a glass of lemonade, then we'll sit on the back porch and you can tell me what's got you so tied up." She smiles before reaching into the fridge and getting the soft drink. Mama J is the closest thing to a mother I have left so I always come to her when I need some advice. Lan knows that when I ask Jenny for a talk its usually something extremely girly, so he leaves me be, and with everything going on lately, I really needed to talk to her. We make our way out the back door with our drinks in hand when we sit down at the small table they have out here. "So, what's troubling you honey?" I think about how to say the words as I stare out the back yard. "It's not really so much of a trouble actually." I say refusing to meet her eyes as a small blush covers my cheeks. "Oh my god, its a boy?" She almost squeals, causing my cheeks to heat up even more. "Who is it Ray? What happened? When did it happen? Oh my god!" Cue teenage fangirling over here. "Mama, calm down." I say with a soft laugh. "Tell me everything!" She demands her eyes lighting up with excitement. So that's exactly what I did. I tell her everything that happened, from the moment he walked down the stairs, up until we said goodbye at the cottage, I told her about the first time he kissed me while we were swimming, and the conversation he had with Brandon while he thought I was sleeping. I told her how he comforted me after my fight with Landon and how he went out of his way to cheer me up. After relaying my story, I showed her the pictures Charlie took of us, and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh Ray, he is gorgeous." She gushes looking down at the pictures causing me to blush again. "Yeah." I say barely above a whisper as she hands me my phone back. "So, you are seeing him tonight?" He is going to The Ring?" When I just nod a big smile stretches across her face. "Oh, honey, you've got it bad don't you?" When I look up at her she has a soft smile on her face. "I don't know Mama, I've had a few crushes on a few boys before, but it never felt like this, not even with Noah. When he kissed me, oh Mama I felt like I was lighter than air. And it was such sweet gentle little kisses, barely more than a peck. When he tells me something sweet it feels like my stomach is trying to climb through my throat. And when he smiles, I have to remind myself that I actually need to breath in order to survive." I admit looking down at my hands that are resting on my lap, feeling absolutely insane. "Am I crazy, Mama? I barely know him. It can't be normal to affected by someone this much after such little time?" I ask wringing my hands together. I stop when Mama places her hands over my own causing me to look up at her. "Honey, there is no timeline for how you should feel and when you should feel it. If this boy makes you happy, that is all that matters. Get to know him a bit more, before you completely give your heart away, but do whatever you feel you have to on your own time. Don't let anybody tell you how this should go. It's your choice. There is no guarantee that things will work out, and you might end up with a broken heart, that's life, but that is not to say that there isn't a chance for it to work. I met Jerry when I was sixteen years old. And I knew that he was the one for me. There is no rulebook to follow when it comes to falling in love Mouse. But when you do? And it is with the right person? There is no better feeling in this world." She finishes with a soft smile causing me to give her a smile of my own "Thank you mama." I say in a soft voice. "Your mother would've been so proud of the lovely young lady you've become Mouse. I know because I am just as proud of you." She says with tears welling up in her eyes causing me to blink away the moisture that was forming in my own eyes before giving her a hug and whispering thanks in her ear. "Wow, what's going on here?" We pull away to see Papa J standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. I smile as I stand up to give him a hug. "Nothing, Papa. We were just talking. I'm going to say goodbye to Lan quickly." I excuse myself as I pull away before walking into the house and up the stairs towards Lan's room. I knock on the door lightly before entering. When Lan turns in his chair to face me a frown stretches over his face as he walks closer to me before cupping my cheeks. "Why were you crying? What did you guys talk about?" He asks as he bends his head down eye level with mine. "Nothing Lan, I'm fine I promise. But I have to get going." I say giving him a big smile before pulling him in for a hug. "Okay, mouse. Be safe tonight okay? I'll see you tomorrow morning." He pulls back and gives me a small kiss on my forehead I just nod before making my way towards the door and shutting it quietly behind me. When I get downstairs, I give Mama and Papa J both a hug before leaving out the front door and heading to my house.

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