Chapter 37

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I wake up absolutely freezing, it felt like my brain was being split in two as a searing pain spread through my head. I try to lift my hands but I find them tied to the chair I was currently sitting on, confused I try looking around but it was pitch black around me, except for the small light dangling above my head. An ice cold feeling ran through my body as I realised where I must be, I try tugging at my arms but it's no use, the cable ties where already digging into my wrists. Fuck Maggie, what did you do. I think to myself when I spot the bandage around my hand. "Well, look who finally decided to wake up." "Just let me go Noah, haven't you done enough damage as is?" I ask trying to spot him in the dark room. When the lights suddenly switch on I squint my eyes against the brightness as Noah leans against the wall opposite me with a nasty grin on his face. "I spent two years behind bars. Two fucking years you took from my life." He states in a menacing voice. "I didn't take those years! You kidnapped and abused me. That was your choice!" I answer back staring into his cold brown eyes, eyes that I once thought shone with love for me. Eyes I would get lost in. Eyes I stared into as we made love. The same pair of eyes that has been haunting my dreams for the past two years. He laughs loudly but there was no humour in his eyes. "Oh, boo hoo. Poor little Ray, always the victim aren't you? Crying to Lan every time something went wrong. Man I was glad when I heard someone finally flattened him, I was a bitt pissed off if I'm honest, I always dreamed of putting a bullet in his head." He sighs softly as I grit my teeth as hard as I could. "Why? Why are you doing this? Is it fun being Sabastian's little bitch?" He scowls at that before moving forward and resting his hands on my arms that were tied to the chair. "Sabastian is dead, I killed him myself. He left me, went running when the shit hit the fan, so when I got out, I found him where he was hiding out in a massive mansion near the beach. Oh he was so apologetic for abandoning me, but what really pissed me off was that he didn't want to go after you anymore. Claimed you're protection was being buffed up every other week, it was too much of a risk, he insisted Maurice would kill all of us this time. So I put a bullet between his eyes while he was sitting on his own couch, and without a leader, the gang turned to me. So, I've been watching you, I knew you had cops stationed outside my house but no one was checking the back yard. Fucking idiots. And then you just made my job that much easier didn't you? I knew having that fighter do your friend dirty would cause a scene but man you couldn't have made it easier could you? I just thought you'd follow him down to the nurse where Maggie could coax you into conversation without your guard dog." He laughs softly. "What do you hope to accomplish here Noah? Hit me some more? Abuse me until your dick falls off? Kill me? And then what? You think Maurice would ever let you walk away from that? Are you honestly so self assured that you think he'll just shrug his shoulders and carry on his merry way? Sabastian knew Maurice won't stop, so why the fuck do you think you'll be able to one up Maurice Delmonta?" The backhand he sent my way threw my face backwards and left my ears ringing. "Language little Stingray." He tuts softly. As I grit my teeth. "If you kill me, you're signing your own death certificate." He sends a solid punch to the side of my face causing my eyes to water. "Don't you get it? I don't care anymore!" He yells in my face. "You ruined my life! Do you know what happens to a 17year old in prison? My father disowned me, and my mother refuses to acknowledge my existence! I had to move in with my cat crazy aunt when I got out! You cost me everything." Another hit connects with my jaw, I spit the blood out of my mouth to the floor glaring at him. "I didn't force you to follow Sabastian! It was your fucking choice!" I yell back bracing for his fist as it connects with my face again. "Language." He tuts again. "Tell me, how's it going playing house with little Jake? Snagged a nice rich one up this time eh? I honestly thought he'd be bored of your crying by now." "He's nothing like you." I state with anger spreading through me. "Ah, sure, sure. He has the whole knight in shining armour thing going on. I personally don't enjoy playing the hero, because it's fucking exhausting, but that's just me. I bet he thrives in it, always offering to take care of little Sting's problems and you sure are a fucking mess wrapped up in a pretty package." "No thanks to you." I mutter but he hears me and sends a fist into my abdomen knocking my breath out of me as I bend forwards heaving loudly. "Let me go Noah." "You know, I don't think I will." He states casually shrugging his shoulders. "Maurice is going to kill you." "You keep saying that, are you trying to convince me or yourself? Don't you think their lives would be so much easier if they didn't have to worry about you every second of every fucking day? All the money they'll save now that they won't have to pay for useless guards to follow you around all the fucking time? Honestly if it was me? I'd be glad you were gone." "You're a useless, dickless piece of shit and I hope you rot in hell." I state with all the hate I can muster in my voice. "Oh, little Sting you don't learn do you?" And then his fist connects with my face, but he doesn't stop, he alters between my face and my abdomen never allowing me to catch my breath before he knocks it out of me again hit after hit connects until I turn numb, I can feel blood dripping down my nose and out my mouth but I can't even lift my head and my ribs are aching with every strangled breath I take. When he finally stops he was breathing heavily before, he lifts my chin roughly forcing me to look into his eyes before he spits in my face. "I'm going to kill you little Stingray, in the slowest, most painful way." Then he sends one last backhand to my cheek before walking out the door, shutting off the lights except for the small bulb hanging above me. When the door opens again a few minutes later I barely had the energy to lift my head as the lights turned on again. A young boy, maybe 15 gently lifts my head as he starts wiping the blood from my face with a warm washcloth, I wince as he grazes my busted lip but I don't say anything, he was looking at my face but avoiding my eyes the entire time. When he was done with my face he pulled my hair up away from my neck before tying it in a messy bun on top of my head. "Don't try to untie your hair. If it gets in his way, he'll cut it off." I nod softly grateful for at least that much. "Open your mouth." I do as he says and he places a straw between my lips as I quickly drink the cold water coating my dry throat before coughing violently, the pain shooting through my ribs bring tears to my eyes as the boy gently pats my back. "I'm not going to hurt you." He states as my eyes go wide when he starts lifting up my shirt. He places his cold hands against my ribs pressing gently causing me to wince loudly when he pulls his hands away he pulls my shirt back down. "Not broken yet, just bruised. Here open your mouth and eat something." I slightly shake my head and he sighs. "Listen, I need you to eat so I can give you some pain meds." He mutters in a quiet voice. "You're Maggie's son aren't you?" I ask softly and he nods, I sigh before nodding as he brings a slice of bread to my mouth and when the bread was finished he fed me a few slices of cheese before discreetly placing a tablet in my mouth and bringing the straw to my lips. I quickly drink the water allowing the tablet down my throat. "It's not that strong but I'll help for the most part." He states softly and I nod gently. "He'll come back down once more tonight and then he'll only return tomorrow, you need to rest and keep your strength up, I can't help you anymore than this. From how my mom talks about you, you are a very strong girl and a good fighter, be careful though he keeps a gun in the waistband of his jeans." I look down at my arms where he was using what looked like a shoelace he softly tugs it back and forth between my arm and the cable tie for a few moments before moving to the other one and doing the same with my legs. "This will weaken them so you'll be able to tear them off. Choose your opportunity right. There are three guards at the top of the stairs and a lot more in the main house, but behind you there is a small window, and I think you'll be able to fit through it, be careful there are a lot of guards on the grounds as well. If you plan to escape please wait until he sees you again tonight otherwise he'll kill me. I know it's a lot to ask but I'm begging you." I nod softly as he tucks the shoelace back in his pocket before offering me the last of the water. "I sincerely hope you make it out." And then he walks away, switching the main lights off behind him. I don't know how long I sat there but I woke up with a jolt when the door slammed open and the lights turned back on. "Ah, nice and clean again." Noah grins at me with a sickly smile. My left eye felt swollen and my jaw was killing me as I looked at him while he closed the door behind him again, I could see the outline of the gun when he turned his back and it sent a chilling feeling running down my body. "Did you enjoy your meal? You look like you've been skipping some of you meals." I just stare at him which seemed to piss him off, I barely shut my eyes as he sends a hard right hook to the side of my already bruised face. "When I ask you a question I expect you to answer me understand?" He asks gripping my chin in his hands. "Yes." I grit out resisting the urge to spit in his face as he grins again. "Good job. Now I asked did you enjoy your meal?" "Yes." I answer again. "There you go, you're catching on." He states as he releases my chin. "I just came to say goodnight little Sting. But don't worry I'll see you tomorrow." He sends me a shit eating grin before switching off all the lights and walking out the door. I gently tugged on my wrists feeling them a bit looser than they were before, but if I leave now, I'm in the dark, in an unknown place, with no idea which way to run and where to hide. He can't possibly spend the entire day down here tomorrow, so when I have a chance, I'll make a run for it then, but for tonight, I'm confined to this hard as hell piece of shit chair. I wonder what Jake, Mark and Maury are doing right now. How long did it take Jackson to realise something was wrong, how far away did Noah get before the alarms where raised, how long will it be before I find help, if I manage to get away tomorrow. I sigh softly feeling tears well up in my eyes as I drop my chin to my chest letting them fall as I think about Jake's pretty turquoise eyes, sleep pulls me under.

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