Chapter 35

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I wake up the next morning with a body colliding on top of mine, causing me to scream loudly, Jake reacts quickly and grabs Ella by the shoulders pinning her down with his fist raised but he freezes once he sees it's her letting out a long breath and dropping his hand before releasing her and sitting back. "Holy shit!" She exclaims as I sit up straight with my eyes wide. "I'm sorry, relflex." Jake mutters rubbing his eyes. "No, I should apologise, Keith told me it was a bad idea but I was gone before he could explain, I'm really sorry." "It's fine Ella, you just scared the crap out of us." I state giving her a smile, she sends me a shaky smile in return before getting comfortable next to me as I move closer to Jake. "What time is it?" Jake mutters tiredly. "Around 6am. Keith was the only other person awake so I decided to come bother you." She grins causing Jake to sigh softly before standing up and pulling a pair of sweatpants on over his boxers. "Are we going to yours today?" He asks placing a kiss on my lips while muttering goodmorning causing me to laugh softly as I moved to his side making more space for Ella. "Oh, well actually we were planning a girls night?" I state unsurely. "Oh yeah? And were was this girls night taking place?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Well we were planning on going to Ella's since her parents aren't home." I state softly looking down at my hands. "Does Mark know you guys are planning to spend the night there alone?" I lightly shake my head, and Ella seems to catch on to what he was implying. "Actually, I was thinking why don't you guys have a guys night? You now? Go out drinking or whatever, then you come back to mine and we can all spend the night? That way we're only alone for a few hours?" Jake thinks aboit it for a moment before nodding slowly and looking at me. "If Mark agrees I'm in." He states causing me to groan softly. "Do we have to ask him?" "Yes Ray, you have to, go see him since he is going to the club with Maury tonight. If the five of you stare at him with your big pretty eyes he'll say yes easier." Jake states sending me a wink before walking out the door as I sigh before falling back against the pillows. When the door opens again, Jo, Terra and Chenise walk in, all looking sleepy and a bit pissed. "Fucking Charlie with his fucking airhorn at 6am." Terra mutters plopping down on my other side as Jo stretches accross the foot of the bed and Chenise sits crossedleg in front of Ella. I laugh softly at Terra's pissed off expresion before turning to Ella as she starts talking. "So, Jake said it will be easier to convince Ray's dad for girls night of we all go ask together." Chenise nods as Terra grunts in approval but Jo furrows her eyebrows. "You know, I don't mean to step on toes or anything, but it kind of seems like your dad doesn't allow you to go out without Max, Leslie, Brandon, Jake or that Jackson guy from yesterday." She states Ella thinks about it for a second before agreeing. "Yeah, you're right." I shift uncomfortably as they all stare at me, not quite knowing what to say. "I don't know, he is very protective. I got into some bad trouble a few years ago and we're trying to avoid it happening again." Ella looks like she wants to ask more but Charlie burst into the room next raising an eyebrow at the five of us. "Wow, Jake doesn't bring a girl home in years, and now there's five of you in his bed at once." Jake smacks him over the head as he walks past him and into the room. "No one wants to make breakfast, so unless you guys are offering to get out of bed, we're going to Darla's." "Darla's it is." Terra mutters standing up as the rest of us agree. "Okay, you have thirty minutes to get ready before we leave." "Sir, yes sir." Ella and I mutter in usion causing us to laugh as Jake flips us the bird before dragging Charlie out of the room. "Okay, I guess we should get ready." I nod along with Jo as we all stand up, they leave the room and I quickly make the bed before grabbing my overnight bag and pulling out my clothes, I pulled on a pair of light blue high waisted skinny jeans and a tight long sleeve white top before slipping my feet into the light brown thigh high boots Ella got me, I pull on the mint coloured scarf Jake gave me before shrugging on my brown leather jacket, I leave my hair down my back as I stare into the mirror styling my fringde across my forehead. When I'm satisfied I pick up mine and Jake's dirty clothes from last night and toss it into the hamper as I make sure the rest of his room is tidy as well. When I walk into the kitchen, Ella and Jo where already dressed along with all the other guys as we waited for Terra and Chenise. "Morning." I smile at everyone as Jake wraps his arms around me from behind placing a kiss on my head. When Terra and Chenise join us we all make our way outside. Ella Terra and I were driving with Jake as Jo, Chenise, Charlie and Max went with Jo and Brandon, Keith and Leslie take Charlie's car. When we arrive at the diner we all pile out of the car and head into the diner, the waitress' eyes widen a bit before she suggests we push a table against one of the booths so we could all sit together, Jake, Brandon and Leslie quickly spring into action and move one of the bigger tables against the booth before placing the chairs around it. Once everyone was seated the waitress came over to us smiling brightly. "Good morning guys, my name is Sherry and I'll be your server today, what can I get you to drink?" She states placing menu's on the table as we start sending them back telling her our order. "Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks, you go on and decide what you'd like to eat." She sends us a warm smile before walking away. I pull my phone out of my pocket when it dings with a text, seeing it's Mark I quickly open it.

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