Chapter 30

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I wake up at around 4:30am the next morning on Jake's chest, his arms are wrapped around me while he sleeps softly, making me smile, I carefully move off of his body trying my best not to wake him before standing up from the bed and making my way downstairs. "Oh, morning." I state surprised when I see Brandon is already awake, sitting by the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee. "Morning little one, how did you sleep?" "Not bad and you?" I ask as I pour myself a glass of fruit juice. "Fine thanks." I just nod taking a seat next him staring out the kitchen window. "Are you going to school today?" He asks spearing a glance in my direction, but I just shake my head. "No, I think I'll go on Thursday, after the funeral." I state softly as Brandon nods. After the rough day yesterday I decided to give myself a day, tomorrow was going to be hard as hell and I didn't feel like acting through today. When my juice is finished, I stand up and start making breakfast for everyone while talking to Brandon about his upcoming fights next week. When Jake and Mark walked into the kitchen the food was almost done so Brandon went to wake Keith and Charlie. "Morning." I state giving both men a small smile as Jake places a kiss om my cheek. "Smells great sweetie." Mark states as he pours himself and Jake a cup of coffee. "The table is set, you guys can go sit down, I'll bring the last few things." I state while placing the bacon on a big plate as they make their way to the dining room. Once we were all seated everyone filled their plates and started eating. "You going to school today Ray?" I shake my head at Charlie's question as I move my food around my plate. "Is it fine if I come over after school? We didn't exercise at all yesterday." "Yes, please." I answer Brandon who just sends me a smile. "Please eat something." Jake whispers softly in my ear causing me to sigh softly as I cut a piece of my pancake and place it in my mouth, feeling sick to my stomach every time I chew. It has always been like this, I know some people eat when they are stressed, but whenever I am upset. I can't eat at all. After my mom died, I lost 10 pounds which doesn't sound like much, but when you take in my natural small stature, it was terrible. And I know this, I know I have to eat, but every time I take a bite, I feel like throwing up. When I finished half of my pancake, I excused myself and started to clear the table since the guys were also done eating. I was placing the dishes in the dishwasher when Mark walked in. "You have to eat Ray." He states softly looking concerned. "I am eating, I'm eating as much as I can." I state with tears welling up in my eyes and Mark quickly pulls me into his chest. "I just don't want what happened when mom died to happen again Ray. It took a long time to get you healthy after that." He states placing a kiss on my head before pulling away. "I know, I'm trying." I answer softly wiping away the few tears that managed to escape. "I'm just worried about you." "I know, I'm sorry." I state again quietly. Mark just places another kiss on my head and pulls back when Jake enters the kitchen staring at us with questions burning in his eyes. "Go shower and get ready, you're going to be late." I state motioning to the clock that read 6:15am. Mark nods quietly before making his way out of the kitchen. "What are you going to do today?" Jake asks leaning his hip against the counter as I clean the rest of the kitchen. "I wasn't planning on anything, why?" "Well I only have one important meeting today that I moved to Friday, what do you say we go to the cottage for the day? Just you and me." A small smile stretches over my lips at his words. "Really?" I ask a bit excited. "Yeah baby, it isn't hot enough to swim but it's always nice going to the beach." He answers pulling mw against his body. "I'd love that." I state sending him a grateful smile. "We're leaving guys, we have to go get clean clothes and all that jazz, Ray I'll see you later okay?" We turn to face Brandon when he enters the Kitchen with Keith and Charlie. "Actually, I'm taking her out for the day, we won't be back until late, so you guys are going to have to reschedule." Jake states keeping his arm wrapped around my waist as Brandon nods. "Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow." He states as I move to give each of them a hug before they make their way outside. "Ray, do you want me to call Max or Leslie to stay with you?" "No, Jake and I are heading to the beach for the day, so I'll be fine." I state as Mark enters the kitchen dressed in a nice dark blue suit. "Okay, be safe and call me if you need me okay?" He asks placing a kiss on my head before turning to Jake. "I'll look after her, I promise." Jake states shaking Mark's hand before Mark heads out. "Go and get dressed baby, I'll finish here, then we can just stop at mine quickly for some clothes and we'll be on our way." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. "Thank you, for everything." I state softly. "Anything for you Sunshine." He places a soft kiss on my lips before placing me back on my feet and smacking my bum lightly as I turn to walk out the kitchen.

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