Chapter 22

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The next morning, I wake up at 5 o'clock with Jake still wrapped around my body. I twist slightly so I can see his face before placing kisses all over his cheeks and nose causing him to open his eyes with a smile on his face. "Morning baby." I shoot him a small grin. "Morning J." "What time is it?" His voice is rough, still coated in sleep. "Uh, around five. I need to get up." I say with a smile placing a kiss on his cheek as he groans. "That's way too early." I just laugh before wiggling out of his arms and standing up. "Yeah, I know." I start looking around the room my jeans. "You can grab a pair of my underwear if you want, it'll probably feel a bit weird but its clean and going commando in jeans isnt comfortable." A slight blush covers my cheeks as I mumble a small thanks before going over to his closet and grabbing a pair of black briefs before pulling them on under his shirt. "Where are my jeans?" I ask looking around the floor. "Uh, bathroom I think." I just nod before heading inside, when I find my jeans I quickly pull them on over the pair of briefs that keep sliding down, I tuck the front of the shirt into my jeans and pick up my leather jacket that was also still on the floor. After brushing my teeth and placing the rest of our dirty laundry into the hamper I make my way out of the bathroom before sliding on my shoes and walking over to where Jake fell asleep again. I place a soft kiss on his mouth and he quickly wraps an arm around my waist pulling my body on top of his causing me to giggle. "I have to go, but I'll call you later okay?" Jake just groans softly. "Uh, okay if you must." "I really must." I giggle I place one last kiss on his lips before getting off of him and pulling on my jacket. "Brandon is usually up by now, so just ask him to open the garage for you okay. Have a good day baby." I place another kiss on his cheek. "Thanks J." I gtin as I leave the room and head into the kitchen where I find Brandon munching on a bowl of cereal. Good morning. "Morning Ray, did you sleep well?" "Yes, thanks and you." "Eh." He just shrugs causing me to smile. "Listen I have to go home, to get my bags and everything, do you mind opening up for my quickly?" He shakes his head as he stands up and places his bowl into the sink. "Not at all little one."After he unlocks the front door and presses the button to open the garage, I turn to face him. "Thank you, for last night I mean. I really appreciate what you did." I state shyly feeling heat rising to my cheeks. "What are friends for? Anytime you need anything Ray, you can give me or the others a call. I promise you we'll be there." I give him a quick hug when I feel tears prick the back of my eyes once again. "Will you be fine? Going home I mean?" I sigh softly as I pull away, "Yes, I don't think he'll come over this early in the morning, so I think I'll be fine." "You're not going to talk to him?" Brandon asks with a hint of surprise in his eyes as I shake my head. "No, I think I need a few days away from Landon." "Okay little one, I'll see you at school then, are you taking your bike?" "Yeah Mark took the car and I don't really feel like walking." "Shit, I want to see the looks on people's faces when little Ray rocks up with this beast." Brandon laugh as I start backing Suzi out of the garage causing me to giggle before mounting her and pulling my hair up. "I'll see you in a few." I state before pulling my helmet on and starting Suzi, who roars to life between my legs, Brandon just offers me a salute before I pull into the street.

When I pull into the school parking lot a few heads turn my way, since the only people who normally drives a bike is Keith and Brandon, but I just ignore them as I head towards the parking designated for motorbikes. Brandon, Keith and Charlie are already there and when I pull into a parking next to Keiths bike, he shoots me a massive grin. "My, oh, my Tiny, you are like 90% of guys wet dream right now." Charlie states with a low whistle as I pull of my helmet and climb off Suzi. I was wearing a pair of skin-tight skinny jeans with a tight white t-shirt with my black leather jacket and my trusty converse on my feet while my hair is braided in a side French braid which hangs down to my belly button. I just laugh at Charlie as Keith smacks him on the back of his head. "You're such a dork." I mutter as I give him and Keith a quick hug. "Uh, Ray, what happened to your face?" Keith ask with concern in his pretty grey eyes. "Oh, yeah I had a fight at The Ring last night." I covered most of the bruising with makeup this morning but the cut on my eye and the one on my lip are still clearly visible. Brandons smile quickly changes into a murderous glare when he looks at something behind me and gently takes my hand before pulling me, so I am standing behind him. "Mouse." I tense when I hear Landon's voice, but I just stare at the ground suddenly grateful for Brandon standing in front of me. Keith and Charlie both look confused but nevertheless they move to stand next to Brandon effectively blocking me completely from Landon's view. "Fuck off, asshole. She doesn't want to talk to you." I hear Brandon say in an angry voice, Keith and Charlie look surprised but they both make no move to object, clearly realising that something went down. "Mouse, please just let me explain." Landon asks in a broken voice that brings tears to me eyes. I grip the back of Brandons black t-shirt and shake my head slightly when Keith looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Look, clearly she doesn't want to talk to you, so just let her be. I don't know what you did but if she is this upset, I thinks it's best if you stay away." Keith's voice is a bit calmer but the threat rings loud and clear. "This doesn't concern any of you!" Landon screams causing every head in the parking lot to swing in our direction. "Fuck you! After the state she was in when I found her yesterday, this very well concerns me. She said she doesn't want to talk to you so just back the fuck off!" Brandon roars back taking a step towards Landon. "She is my best fucking friend! And I screwed up! I can't fix it because the three of you and your fucking brother won't get out of my fucking way!" I grab Brandons arm as he swings back ready to punch Landon in the face. When he turns around to face me, he has a furious look on his face, but I just take a step around him before stopping in front of Landon. His green eyes are bloodshot, and the bags underneath indicates he didn't sleep at all last night. "What the fuck happened to your face?" Landon asks looking at me. "I don't want to talk to you. "I don't even want to see you right now. When I am ready to talk to you about everything that happened, I'll come to you. until then, just leave me alone Landon." I state ignoring the broken look on his face as I grab my bag and shove past him. I ignore the eyes of everyone around me as I make my way into the school and towards my locker. "Hey, hey." I stop and face Keith when he gently tugs on my elbow. "What's going on?" He asks in a gentle tone, once again I can feel tears well up in my eyes. "I really don't want to talk about it right now, please?" My voice is soft as I try to blink away the moisture in my eyes. Keith just pulls me into a tight hug as he talks softly into my ear. "If you ever feel like talking, you can come to me okay? I don't know whats going on, but I hate seeing you this upset, Ray." I just nod into his chest before he lets me go.

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