Chapter 15

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The next few days went by quickly and quietly. Going to the Mall with Layla was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be, I had three new dresses and two new leather jackets. I even bought a pair of shoes and my nails are currently perfectly manicured with a soft French tip. I started eating lunch with the guys every now and then, I asked Landon to join, but he said they are more my friends than his and that he doesn't mind me sitting with them. Today is Friday and the cafeteria was buzzing with people excited for the weekend. I was sitting with the guys; texting Jake like I have been doing every day this week. He had work so it sometimes took a while for him to reply, and I couldn't text in classes, but I was on my phone every chance I got. I learned this week that Jake started his own marketing company with the money he got when his parents passed away, and grew his business even more with the money his grandmother left him when she passed away, and according to Keith he was ridiculously good at his job, and extremely successful. I was practically staring at my phone waiting for Jake to answer when a hush fell over the entire cafeteria. I looked up towards the guys who were all looking behind me with huge matching grins on their faces which made me frown as I turned around in my chair, I think my heart stopped beating, because dressed in a sexy as sin black suit with a crisp white button up shirt and a dark forest green tie, paired with the same green handkerchief in the breast pocket of the jacket and black shiny shoes, Jake Reems was making his way towards me with a bouquet of yellow roses in his hand looking like something out of a dream. His eyes never leaving mine. When he came to a stop in front of me, I only managed a breathless. "Hi." Jake only chuckled before holding out a hand for me to take, when I took his hand, he gently pulled me to my feet. "Hi Sunshine." He said softly before placing the flowers onto the table behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, my own arms folding around his neck, the tips of my toes leaving the ground as he pulled me tight against him. When he pulled away, I gave him a big smile. "What are you doing here?" I ask with a little laugh completely forgetting about everybody in the cafeteria staring at me and focusing on the handsome man in front of me. "Well I came to ask you on a date. I had to ask Mark's permission first, and I could only go and see him today. Then I didn't want to be the guy who asked you out on our first date over text, so I here I am. So, Raylan Sunshine Johnson." He grins picking the flowers up again before holding them out towards me. "Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked sending me a heart stopping smile. "Of course, I will you goofball." I mutter with a big smile of my own before almost jumping into his arms giving him a hug. He laughed pulling my feet completely off the ground and spinning me around once before placing me back on my feet. When he pulled away, he cupped my cheek before giving me a soft kiss on my lips, almost causing my knees to buckle underneath my body. When he pulled away happiness was shining so clear in his eyes it felt like I was flying. "I have to get going baby, but I'll pick you up at 7 tonight." "What are we doing? What am I supposed to wear?" I ask before he can leave. "Wear a nice dress Sunshine. I'll see you later kay?" I just nod before giving him one last smile and tugging on the lapel of his jacket, causing him to lean down so I could place a kiss on his cheek, softly murmuring. "Until I see you again." He shot me a huge grin before giving me another kiss on my lips and whispering "Until I see you again." When he pulled away from me, he turned towards the guys giving them a smile. "See you guys. Brand try not to get detention." He said with a small laugh before turning around and walking out of the cafeteria. It's only when the doors close behind him that I realise I am still standing with the flowers in my hand and that the entire cafeteria in still looking at me, causing me to blush like crazy. Brandon must have noticed the same thing I did because he suddenly yelled. "Stop staring fuckwads!" Causing everyone to quickly look away, chatter filling up the cafeteria again. I had a massive smile on my face as I sat back down in my seat in front of the guys. "Did you guys know he was going to do that?" I ask still trying to control the blush in my cheeks. "Maybe we did maybe we didn't." Charlie states. "Do you want the video?" He asks grinning like a loon. "You took a video?" I exclaim a bit louder than I planned to. "Yes, I did, I mean that was adorable Tiny. Who ever thought that mean old Jake had a romantic bone in his body?" Charlie answers with a laugh. "Why people keep referring to him as mean or rude? Even Mark told Jake he can be a dick when he wants to be." I wonder aloud looking at the three guys in front of me. "Because he can." "Because it's true." Brandon and Charlie reply at the same time. "Listen Ray, Jake might be nice and sweet when it comes to you, but with other people, not so much. If you think Brandon has no patience with people you should see Jake. You've only really seen him around us and your stepdad, and he has a lot of respect for your old man, so he wont be an ass to him. But Jake tends to keep to himself. He doesn't really like people in general." Keith answers with a small shrug. "But he has been nice to me since the moment we met."I argue back thinking about Jake coming down the stairs at the cottage. Nothing about him screamed asshole to me. "And he has been infatuated with you ever since. Don't dwell on it to much Ray. Jake is a great guy towards the people who mean something to him, and hell never go out of his way to hurt anybody. He just prefers to stay away. He has only considered one guy to be his friend and that's Andrew. They have been friends for as long as I can remember, but that's about it." I lean back looking at the roses Jake brought me thinking about Jakes words. The guy I know doesn't sound anything like the man Keith just described, but maybe Keith is right, and it is only because Jake likes me.

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