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When we pull up to a restaurant it is one of the fancier places in town, the valet opens my car door for me and offers me a hand helping me out of the car before shutting the door behind me. Jakecomes around the car and hands the man his keys. He wraps an arm around my waist before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the top off my head making me smile as we walk into the restaurant. "Reservation under Reems." Jake tells the host when we approach. "Sure, please follow me Mr and Mrs Reems." The man states causing me to blush while Jake looks down at me wiggling his eyebrows. "After you Mrs. Reems." I pretend that those words are not attacking my heart, so I just playfully roll my eyes before following the host into the restaurant. He leads us to a small circular booth that sits in the corner of the restaurant giving us a sense of privacy in the busy place. When I sit down with Jake sliding in opposite me the host sends us a small smile. "Your waiter will arrive shortly to take your orders." He smiles placing the menus on the table before leaving us. "This place is incredible Jake." I gush looking around. The place has a definite high class feel to it with soft shining chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, on every table there is a small candle adding to the romantic feel of the place while soft classical music played softly through the speakers. "Good evening, my name is Joshua and I will be you server for the evening, may I start you off with anything to drink?" The waiter, a young guy, probably around twenty years old, about 5'11ft with short brown hair and dark brown eyes smiles at me. Jake is looking at him with narrowed eyes, but he doesn't seem to notice since he is staring at me. "Uh, Jake what are you getting?" I ask completely feeling uncomfortable and hoping to draw the waiters eyes away from me. "Scotch on the rocks." He tells the waiter before turning to look at me with a small smile "I'll have a lemonade please." I state softly to the waiter while still looking into Jakes eyes I refuse to let anything spoil this night. When the waiter walks away, I look through the menu but everything in here is ridiculously expensive I shoot a worried glance at Jake, but he is busy looking through his own menu. A few minutes later the waiter arrives with our drinks before asking if we are ready to order our food. Once again, the waiter kept staring at me completely oblivious to the death glare Jake is sending to the side of his head, and his clenched fists resting on the table. "I'll have the sea food alfredo please and my husband will have." I cut off shooting a wink towards Jake who whips his face towards me, a breath-taking smile taking over his features as he grabs my hand on top of the table. "I'll just have the steak, medium." Jake says his attention still on me while his hands were playing with my fingers. When the waiter walks away a blush finds its way onto my cheeks causing Jake to laugh softly. "Husband eh?" He asks with a glint in his eyes I just shrug. "I didn't like the way he was staring, and clearly you didnt like it either. Maybe now he caught the hint that I'm not interested." I say softly. "Jealousy is a nasty feeling, but I guess if I plan on making a stunning girl like you mine, I'm going to have to deal with it." My eyes go wide at his words causing him to chuckle as my heart beats so loud I'm sure he can hear it. "When I know what I want I go for it Sunshine. I won't push you, we can take this as slow as you want to, but I'm not going to stop trying to find ways to prove to you that this, what we have, can be something amazing." I stare at the serious expression on his face trying to find a hint that he might be joking, when I find none, I release a soft sigh with a huge smile taking over my face. "You're making me blush." I say softly while looking at the table trying to hide my red cheeks. "You look beautiful when you blush baby." His voice is so soft and when I feel his hand cupping my chin, I slowly raise my head, meeting his eyes. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on." Luckily before my cheeks explode the waiter returns, placing our food on the table. This time he seems a bit stiffer never making eye contact with me or Jake for too long, which I'm grateful for. "Enjoy your meal." As he walks away Jake looks at me with a glint in his eye. "Guess he got the hint." He gtibs causing me to chuckle.

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