Chapter 19

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When we reach Keith's house, I reach to the back seat to grab my backpack before getting out and waiting for Jake to get the beer he bought. When we reach the front door, I ring the doorbell before taking a step back and waiting for someone to open, Jake is staring at the door avoiding my gaze so I just sigh softly before dropping my gaze to the floor. After a few minutes the door finally swings open revealing a lady who I am guessing is Keith's mom. She is a plump lady, and stands at about 5'5ft, she has short auburn hair that rests just below her chin in a cute bob and the same grey eyes as Keith. "Jake, hi sweetie, how are you?" She asks with a big smile on her face as she looks up at the man next to me who gives her a gentle smile in return. "Hello Mrs. Rose, I'm fine thanks and you?" "I'm good sweetie, oh I'm sorry, who's this." The lady exclaims when she notices me standing a bit behind Jake sending me a big smile. "Mrs. Rose this is my girlfriend, and a friend of the guys Raylan, Ray this is Keith's mother, Maya Rose." I gently take the hand she is holding out towards me. "So you are the infamous Raylan, the guys are forever talking about you, Charlie was right, you are a tiny little thing, but you sure are beautiful." She states rather bluntly but with a kind smile on her face causing me to blush. "Thanks ma'am." "Oh well come on in, everybody is out back, Jake make sure Charlie doesn't drink all of that beer by himself, I am not in the mood for his spontaneous crying today." Jake just laughs as we make our way into the house and towards the back door. "I can try Mrs. Rose, but he always manages to slip away." Mrs. Rose just sighs before taking my arm gently in hers. "Come sweetie, there is a few people who are dying to meet you." She says as she starts pulling me in a different diction and into the kitchen. When we reach the kitchen there are about 6 women in there, laughing and talking the older two ladies seem to be making something while the 4 younger girls are just sitting around the counter drinking wine and joking with everyone around them. "Ladies!" At Mrs. Rose's voice everybody turns to face us causing my cheeks to heat up once again. "Everybody, this is Raylan, Raylan this is my sister Michelle." She points to a lady with the same facial features and auburn except this lady has a longer nose and brown eyes instead of grey. "Then we have Charlie's mother Alicia." The next lady is tall and thin at about 5'8ft she has Charlie's blonde hair but instead of his light blue eyes she has bright green ones, she has a small nose and thin lips that stretches into a kind smile when she looks at me. "Then these three are Charlie's sisters, Annabelle, Adele and Charlotte." She states pointing toward the three girls sitting by the kitchen island Annabelle and Adele are obviously identical twins with light brown hair and their mothers green eyes, they look exactly the same except Annabelle's hair is long and curly while Adele's hair was shorter and straight. Charlotte was a spitting image of her mother with her straight blonde hair and pretty bone structure, but she has the same blue eyes that Charlie has. "Then last but not least we have Michelle's daughter and my niece Rebecca." The last girl just gives me a dirty look before turning back towards her wine causing me to frown slightly, she has long auburn coloured hair and dark green eyes, with sharp bone structure and thin lips that are painted the same red as the wine she was drinking, she's tall probably almost 6'ft and that's wearing flat shoes. I give a small wave and offer a soft "Hi." At the ladies who are currently staring at me. "Tiny!" I hear someone yell from behind me I turn around and mentally brace myself for the impact I know Charlie is going to make. I let out a small ompf as his body connects with mine picking me up and spinning me around. "Charle's you put that girl down right now, for god sakes." Charlie just stops spinning before staring at his mother not putting me down, so I'm left dangling in his arms while everybody else stares at us with amusement in their eyes. "But mom she's so cute!" He exclaims with a small pout. "Why is it Charlie, that every time you are within arm's reach, I have to take my girlfriend out of your arms?" Jake asks as he walks into the kitchen and does just that before placing me back on my feet. I send him a grateful smile before turning to a pouting Charlie, whose face quickly lights up like a Christmas tree. "Girlfriend eh?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle "You are such a dork." "Hi Little one!" I turn around as Brandon comes into the kitchen with a big smile on his face before wrapping me in a big hug, moving our upper bodies from side to side. "Why is everybody manhandling this poor girl?" I hear Charlie's mom ask as Jake once again removes me from Brandons grasp. "Who is manhandling who?" I hear Keith ask before he spots me. "Ray!" I think he might be a bit drunk cause he rushes over towards me before giving me a big hug and once again my feet lift the ground causing Jake to groan. "For the love of all that is good, the next one of you dumbasses who pick her up is getting punched in the face." Jake states before once again taking me out of Keiths arms and placing me on the ground next to him. "I agree." Mrs. Rose says before sending me a small wink "Now, get out. Girls that means you as well. Take your wine and go." She states before pushing two bottles into the twins arms and shooing us all out of the door. "There are still two people you have to meet; come I'll introduce you." Jake says before taking my hand and leading me over to where two men were standing near the BBQ. The one was obviously Keiths dad, he had the same mess of curly brown hair, but he had dark brown eyes, he was tall as well probably around 6'2ft. The man next to him is probably Charlie's dad, he has the same light brown hair that the twins have and light blue eyes, he is a bit shorter than the man next to him, probably 6'1ft. When we reach them, they both turn towards us with kind smiles on their faces. "Christoff, Tom, this is Raylan, Ray, this is Keiths dad, Tom and Charlies dad, Christoff." I shake both their hands before saying a soft. "Hi." So you're the girl that all the boys have been talking about, to tell you the truth when they said they made a friend, who was a girl, I kind of thought they were lying for a few days." Christoff says causing me to laugh. "Yeah, I wasn't sure about that either when Keith told me but apparently Brandon smacked you in the face with the office door?" I give a slight smile as I turn towards Tom. "Yeah, that wasn't a good day." "So, Jake where do you fit into this little equation?" Christoff asks with a raised eyebrow. Jake just stares at him before wrapping an arm around my waist before pulling me close to his side causing me to blush as both men grinned widely at the gesture. "Ah, I see. Very well. Tell me Ray, how do you like your steak?" Medium is fine Mr. Rose." "No, no, no, please my name is Tom and he is Christoff, we are old enough, we dont have to be remined of that fact every time a young person opens their mouths!" He exclaims with a panicked look on his face causing me to giggle. "Ray, Jake were playing volleyball get in here!" We turn towards where Charlie is screaming from inside the pool, there is a huge inflatable net across the middle of the pool, with Charlie, Keith, and Brandon on the one side and Annabelle, Adele and Charlotte on the other. "You kids go on." We turn towards Tom and with one last smile we head towards the pool. "Ray has to go get dressed, well be right back." "You know I'm sure it would go quicker without your help." I hear Brandon yell causing a few to laugh while I blush, and Jake just flips him off. We walk back into the house Jake shows me where the bathroom is, telling me he'd wait outside after handing me my bag. I quickly slip out of the dress before putting on my swimsuit, its a peach coloured one-piece that covers most of my back but has a large cut out in the front, starting under my boobs and ending below my belly button. I untie my hair from the messy bun it was in and quickly fold my dress before taking my towel out of my bag and placing my dress inside, when I open the door Jake is standing there with Rebecca. She is standing a bit closer than what I would've liked with her hand on his arm. When he sees me, he quickly moves his arm out from beneath hers before scanning me from head to toe. I take pleasure in the want that moves into his eyes before raising my eyebrow at him. "If we stand here any longer, they really are going to think its because you are trying to help me change." I say with a small laugh that seemed to snap Jake out of whatever he was thinking. He quickly wrapped an arm around my waist before pulling me up against his body and whispering in my ear. "I will definitely not be the one putting clothes on to your body baby." Before lightly nipping at my earlobe causing a small gasp to leave my lips as I feel my face heating up. Its only when a throat clears that I remember were not alone, Jake simply turns his head to look at her, she is standing there with a sour expression on her face before opening her mouth. "We were in the middle of a conversation." Jake simply shrugs. "And now were at the end of one." Before placing me on my feet and grabbing my hand as we start to walk outside. "What was that?" I ask him softly as we step outside. "Nothing." He states flatly, once again refusing to meet my eyes. Jake places my bag down along with my towel before taking of his shirt. When we walk toward the pool a frown stretches across my face. "Boys against girls?" "How about one boy and one girl per team? The first two teams face each other first to 10 points win. Then its the second two teams, then the winners face each other?" We all turn towards Keith before agreeing before they start choosing partners. Jake turns me to face him before placing his hands on my waist. "Take a deep breath Sunshine." He says with an evil glint in his eyes. "Jake! Dont you dare!" But he already picked me up before throwing me into the pool and jumping in after me. "You know now we have to punch you in the face, right?" Brandon asks Jake and the three of them approach Jake. "And why is that?" The cocky asshole asks. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, which I'm not, you said the next person who picks her up, is getting punched in the face." Keith answers while they continue to move towards him. "Psst!" I hear someone behind me and turn to face Charlotte who is motioning me over to where the three of them are sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. I quickly swim my way over to them before pulling myself out of the water and sitting down next to Annabelle. "It's going to get messy now, so its best to stand back. When they get like this you can forget about anything else." She just laughs nodding towards the guys, Jake is slowly being backed into a corner by the other three. "They always do this, yet Jake always manages to smack each of them. I don't think one of them has ever landed one on him." When look to Adele she must've seen the confused expression on my face because she giggles before explaining. "When one of them breaks a rule, like today the rule was that they weren't allowed to pick you up anymore, you are supposed to get smacked by the other three. You're allowed to fight back though, and if you manage to smack someone, they must leave you alone. Now most of the time Jake is the one breaking the rules, but he always manages to smack all three of them before they get to him." Just then we heard the unmistakable sound of a palm hitting flesh. "You dont have to hit so hard asshole!" Charlie exclaims before swimming over to us while Jake just laughs still fighting off Keith and Brandon. "I don't know why you guys always try; Jake has never been slapped before." I look up and see Tom and Christoff have also moved closer to watch the boys, Jake is grinning like a loon while Keith and Brandon try to smack him. Brandon looking determined to win today. Suddenly Charlie pinches my leg, hard. "Ow, what the fuck Charlie?" I scream quickly rubbing the spot where he pinched me but then I realised what he did, when I screamed Jake automatically turned my way, and Brandon and Keith seized the opportunity to bitch slap him across the face causing the rest of us to wince. "Charlie, you know he is going to kill you right?" Tom asks as the rest of us move away from Charlie while Jake is sending him a death glare while holding onto his jaw. "Oh yeah baby! Take that you little bitch." Brandon shouts in victory but Jake is still staring straight at Charlie. "Charlie." I whisper. "Yeah?" he answers in a whisper before me and his sisters all exclaim. "Run!" quickly pulling himself out of the water Charlie runs into the house with Jake hot on his heels. "Ah, well that was certainly more entertaining than usual." Christoff mumbles before him and Tom move back towards the BBQ.

Me and Charlies sisters are all sitting on the grass now, volleyball long forgotten as Brandon and Keith try to drown each other and Jake is currently trying to kill Charlie. "So, Ray, you and Jake?" I look down at my hand as I pull a few pieces of grass from the earth a blush coating my cheeks at Charlotte's question. "Yeah." I say with a small smile causing the girls to grin at me. "How long have you guys been together?" Annabelle asks. "We've been talking a few weeks, but officially? Last night." I say and I can't keep the grin off my face. "You guys are adorable." Adele add causing me to blush again. "Can I ask you guys something? Without it being repeated to the rest of the world?" I ask looking at the girls who all nod. "Sure Of Course." I sigh softly before asking. "What's the story with Jake and Rebecca? She has been giving me the evil eye all day?" Oh, there's no story." "Nothing you have to worry about. They hooked up like once when they were 17, I think, and ever since then shes kind of been a bit clingy and possessive over him, no matter how many times he politely tells her to fuck off. She just can't take a hint. Seriously Ray, Jake has never brought a girl over for us to meet in all the years we've known him, and he looks absolutely smitten with you." Annabelle's words cause another blush to creep up my cheeks as I smile softly at the three sisters. "Are you guys talking about naughty stuff?" Brandon asks as he plops down beside me wiggling his eyebrows at me and throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Why the fuck would you think that?"Keith asks as he sits down next to Charlotte. "Because, look how red Ray's face is. Did you guys see the massive hickey she left on Jake's neck? Its like you were trying to draw blood." I quickly shove his arm off me before punching him in the arm, hard. "Fuck you!" I exclaim with a laugh as I punch him again. "Ow, dammit Ray stop punching me that really fucking hurts." Brandon exclaims as he moves away from me. We look up when Charlie and Jake emerge from the house, Jake has a big grin on his face, while Charlie is scowling holding a tissue against his bleeding nose. "Was I really necessary to make him bleed?" Keith ask which causes Jake to burst out laughing. "That wasn't me." We all look at Charlie in question. "So, I was hiding under Keith's bed, right? And he has that metal frame for his mattress, right? Anyway, I was laying there contemplating how I was going to get out of this mess when I hear footsteps coming into the room, knowing its Jake I tried to keep quiet and still then, this demonic human being makes moaning sound with a bit of kissing sounds and the next thing I know he moans 'Oh, Mrs Stewart this isn't right.' So, I lift my head so quickly I bang the shit out of my nose, but when I finally got out from under the bed, this fuckface was standing there with the biggest grin on his face before he started laughing his ass off." Charlie grumbles as we all stare at Jake who is still laughing, I smile at the sight. "That's kind of fucked up but kind of brilliant." Keith mutters before everyone started laughing.

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